Thursday, September 17, 2009

BBAW - Book Recommendations

I know that I read a lot of books because of recommendations from bloggers, but I was having a really hard time thinking about something that I loved that I wanted to specifically talk about. Then, it dawned on me! Fables! I have read the entire series this year, so I think it is safe to say I love it. I have been hearing about it forever, but finally decided to take the chance on it this year. This is a group effort for getting me to read it, too. I credit the discovery of the series first with Heather. She has been talking about it as long as I have been reading her blog. I remember reading posts about it a couple years ago and thinking I needed to give the series a try, but I never did until this year.

I can also thank Nymeth, Chris, Debi, and Carl for introducing me to this series and contributing to me finally reading it! Now, I have to wait until next year for a new one, so in the meantime I have started work on Jack of Fables. There is also a novel based on the series out in October which I plan to read.

So, thanks especially to Heather, but also to all the other bloggers that have lead to me taking a chance on this series! I love it!


  1. Hurray for Fables!!!! I'm so, so, so glad you tried them!

    You sorta probably should thank Andi too, she's the blogger who got ME to try them! lol

  2. I prefer stand alones. Getting into a series is not my cup of tea!

    BBAW: Which book blogger is responsible for this?

  3. And now you've passed me up by far in the series!!! I'm so glad you decided to read it though because now you're the person who makes me want to keep reading on :)

  4. I don't think I've heard of this series but definitely have heard of the bloggers you mentioned. :D

  5. Great recommendations coming from great bloggers. Thanks for sharing these.

  6. I read The Dark Ages yesterday and I'm SO UPSET about what happened to...well, A Certain Character :( I'm sure you know who I mean.

  7. One of these days, I will read Fables. I've been introduced to so many books thanks to book bloggers. The blogging community is such a great resource.

  8. I want to read Fables too and also heard of it via other bloggers... it's so great to be exposed to books you wouln't normally find...


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