Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This is Wednesday...

I had a full day today, so I didn't really have a chance to write up a review. Instead I thought I would share pictures from my day!
***Edited to add*** A couple people asked the reason for cutting the tree down. The reason is that the base of the tree was starting to rot and didn't want to risk it falling into the buildings during the next big storm.

***Edited to add*** I should point out that he is 81 years-old and felling this tree. He was on his way to his birthday dinner, but couldn't resist cutting down a tree first.

Since I had the camera, there are no pictures of me, but I did help! Mostly with clean-up. It takes a while to clear all those branches away! I also raked the entire lawn. And, other various tasks.


  1. Love the pictures especially the "before" pic of the tree.

  2. Sounds like you were QUITE productive! Did you cut the tree down for a reason? Was it sick?

  3. Its nice to spend your day outdoors sometimes and it looks like you got a lot done too.

  4. Wow! Taking down trees is always a big event. I can see why you didn't have time for a review.

  5. Get any job searching done?? ;P

    Hahah my verification word is "ratcoin". Sounds sexy.

  6. Is it weird to admit I love the sound of chainsaws? It always takes me to our cottage where my dad and husband take down dead or ailing trees all summer long to make sure they aren't a danger once the winter winds start to blow and we're no longer there.

  7. Interesting pictures! My dad is in State Emergency Service and he cuts trees a lot. But I've never seen the actual action!

  8. We had to cut down a huge tree out front because the carpenter ants had killed it. I sobbed....what a sad day.


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