Monday, November 30, 2009

Tomorrow is December First!!!

I got a bit quiet on here. I didn't even do my Sunday post! Mainly because I had a quiet week reading-wise and have too much on my mind life-wise. I am currently reading too many books, but I am hoping to read more in December than I have the last couple months. We will have to see what happens. I am still looking for a job and it is all a bit discouraging at the moment. Also, I think I am going to have a bit of a library-overload today because I haven't been there in a week. I wish some of my ILLs would start coming in, though. If I take the time to fill out the form it usually means I really want those particular books, but the wait is forever.

Anyway, just a reminder that the Virtual Advent starts tomorrow! There is still plenty of time to sign-up, so please do so. Otherwise, I look forward to reading all the posts. For those that are reading along you just go to the main website for the tour and it will share with you the links for each day. It is so much fun!

Also starting tomorrow is the mini-challenge I am hosting for the Dewey Reading Challenge. I am going to count the Virtual Advent as my contribution. It brings the community together, right? Plus, Dewey participated in a previous year. Another example is Chris and Nymeth are hosting a Graphic Novel Challenge for 2010. Once they have their post up they are going to include it for the challenge. (I hope they don't mind I used it asn an example...) These are just two examples. There are many ways in which you can honour Dewey's memory. Tomorrow I will post a Mr. Linky so that you can share with others. I hope people will join in!


  1. I'll have to check out your mini-challenges for sure! Some of my ILL take forever too!! Have fun getting all of your library loot!

  2. I haz idea for my advent post! Just in time :P


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I am so sorry, but I turned anonymous commenting off. I have had it from the very beginning, but that is how the spam is getting by my spam filter at the moment. If it is a big deal I will turn it back on and moderate all comments. I also changed moderation from older than 14 days to older than 7.