Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Once Upon a Time IV

It hardly seems possible, but this is the fourth year for the Once Upon a Time challenge. This means that this my fourth year joining in! Even though I am not reading a lot lately I can't resist joining in on another year of Carl's wonderful challenges. The challenge runs from March 21st to June 20th. Maybe this year I will actually read A Midsummer's Night Dream!
As always I am going to do Quest the First:
Read at least 5 books that fit somewhere within the Once Upon a Time IV criteria. They might all be fantasy, or folklore, or fairy tales, or mythology…or your five books might be a combination from the four genres.
I will keep track of what I read, but I am not going to include a pool this year. I don't want to limit myself at all!

1. Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr
2. Silver Bourne by Patricia Briggs


  1. Yay! I'm glad to see you're joining the challenge!

  2. I've never joined in on this challenge. This may be the year. We'll see. It all depends on whether or not I can empty my Google Reader by the end of the day, tomorrow. I kid you not. LOL

    I don't like creating a pool of books, either. I find that I'm far too spontaneous to stick to a list.

  3. I'm excited about this one too!

  4. Have fun with the challenge!

  5. i love this challenge! I put a photo up of "some books" I have but heck if I know if I'll stick to them or not! lol

  6. Good luck with the challenge. Look forward to seeing what you read!

  7. So excited about this challenge! I'm glad you're joining in again. :)

  8. Anonymous11:39 PM

    I always see the play A Midsummer's Night Dream, but I doubt that will count for Carl's challenge. If I read it, it will be a first for me, too, and I've joined in this challenge as long as you have! Glad to be linking arms again, friend.

  9. Oh I hope you give us a hint of what you want to read, you always find the most interesting books for this challenge! and make me buy them too :-D I'm joining this challenge - as if I could ever resist it! - will be posting later today. I'm so excited! I love the gorgeous photo chosen for this year too.

  10. The challenge sounds divine. Too bad I'm such a slowpoke reader. The idea of reading 5 books in three months just makes me laugh. I'm still not finished the Dewey Book Challenge, for heaven's sake...

  11. I get a bit weirded out thinking about how fast time goes by. Every time one of these challenges comes around it feels like the last one just ended. Gotta slow it down!

    So glad you are one of the originals and that you're back for more.

  12. Good luck, Kelly! I did include a pool, but I don't plan to stick to it :P

  13. Okay - I just signed up. One book, I can handle.

  14. wow, already?? I must sign up for this again too, I just can't believe that it's that time of year again!


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