Monday, April 12, 2010

Library Loot - April 12, 2010

I haven't posted anything from the library in a while, but I thought I would share today's pick-ups. They actually stretch from last week, too, because the dates were different because of the holiday weekend. I am hoping to actually get some reading done this week. I have been keeping my number of library books out down to a low number because of the decrease in reading.

The Lost City of Z: a tale of deadly obsession in the Amazon by David Grann - Re-loot. I have heard nothing but good things about this book, so I really need to read it.

Flow: the Cultural History of Menstruation by Elissa Stein - I think I found this on the site for the new books at the library and thought it sounded interesting.

A Gate at the Stairs by Lorrie Moore - Re-loot. Just didn't get a chance to read it the first time around.

Incarceron by Catherine Fisher - Buddy read with Heather from Capricious Reader.

The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe - Book club read, if I can actually read it... I haven't read for that book club in like a year or maybe two.

Guilt About the Past by Bernhard Schlink - Collection of essays. Liked what I have read by Schlink before, so thought I would give this a try.


  1. Love the Library - great post!

  2. I'm curious about the Schlink book. I've only read The Reader and I don't know about his other work.

    Diary of an Eccentric

  3. The Physick book is definitely on my radar. And yeah... Flow could be a very interesting read. Look forward to hearing about that.

  4. Flow does sound very interesting!

  5. Love the term "Re-Loot"! :D Hope you enjoy them all, Kelly!

  6. Re-Loot...will have to steal that term as I re-loot quite often because I check out way more books than I can possibly read!!! Enjoy your loot!

  7. I just wanted to stop in and thank you for cheerleading for me!

    I've almost picked up The Lost City of Z so many times-almost grabbed it for the Read-a-Thon actually. I kind of wish I would have because, like you, I don't seem to have any good reading going on now. Lots of library books though, so hopefully I'll find something good soon!


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