Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Library Loot - April 21, 2010

I cannot believe it has been six days since I updated my blog. I keep meaning to and then things happen and apparently I don't. I actually read and commented on blogs lately and the problem with that is my library pile is going back up in size. Do not read blogs and have the library website open at the same time. That is my advice to you! Especially when you are really far behind in blog-reading. You will get an overload of cool blogs to read.

The books I just recently took out from the library are:

Reading by Lightning by Joan Thomas
A Short Guide to a Happy Life by Anna Quindlen
Undercover by Beth Kephart
City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
Calamity Jack by Shannon Hale
Bone - Volume 6 by Jeff Smith

Then, I have 7 books waiting for me that I will likely pick-up today:
Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson
Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett
Too Many Curses by A. Lee. Martinez
The Bone Magician by F.E. Higgins
The Musician's Daughter by Suzanne Dunlap
Sounding Line by Anne DeGrace
The Dead and the Gone by Susan Pfeffer

Hopefully I will get some reading done today, but at the moment I am reading the new John Green, which will not really help the library pile at all! What about you, what are you reading?


  1. I liked City of Glass and Equal Rites was the last Discworld novel I read.

  2. Your loot sounds great and I totally agree with you about NOT having the library site open while you're reading leads to 100's of holds all being ready for you at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Oooo, Undercover and City of Glass are both wooooonnnderful. :)

  4. Do not read blogs and have the library website open at the same time.

    *snort!* Good advice. Will any of us ever follow it, though? ;-)


Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

I am so sorry, but I turned anonymous commenting off. I have had it from the very beginning, but that is how the spam is getting by my spam filter at the moment. If it is a big deal I will turn it back on and moderate all comments. I also changed moderation from older than 14 days to older than 7.