Sunday, November 28, 2010

Library Pile - November, 2010

I have posted a list of what I have out from the library in a while, so I thought I would share:

Picturing Canada : a history of Canadian children's illustrated books and publishing by Edwards, Gail
The supergirls : fashion, feminism, fantasy, and the history of comic book heroines by Madrid, Mike
The child thief by Brom
Fish for dinner : tales of Newfoundland and Labrador by O'Neill, Paul
Is it just me? : or is it nuts out there? by Goldberg, Whoopi
The secret history of the pink carnation by Willig, Lauren
This cake is for the party : stories by Selecky, Sarah Lucille
Curiosity : a love story by Thomas, Joan
The imperfectionists : a novel by Rachman, Tom
I shall wear midnight by Pratchett, Terry
Finding Nouf by Ferraris, Zoƫ
The case of the missing marquess : an Enola Holmes mystery by Springer, Nancy
The sky is falling : a novel by Adderson, Caroline
By nightfall by Cunningham, Michael
Annabel by Winter, Kathleen
Cities of refuge by Helm, Michael
Mort by Pratchett, Terry
The Sea of Trolls by Farmer, Nancy
Letter to my daughter by Angelou, Maya
Ballad : a gathering of faerie by Stiefvater, Maggie
Keeping you a secret : a novel by Peters, Julie Anne
Scarlett fever by Johnson, Maureen

Any thoughts on them?


  1. The only I've read is Finding Nouf: I thought it got better the further into it I got. :)

    That's quite a list though, so have fun with it!

  2. I haven't even heard of most of them, yet alone read 'em. But I have read one and luckily for you it was excellent. Brom's The Child Thief. I think it will be your type of book. Obviously, it's a retelling of Peter Pan, but there is an Arthurian connection with the addition of the Lady in the Lake. And the Lost Boys are reminiscent of Lord of the Flies.

    Oh, I was just going to mention about female characters but see I talked to you about this when I wrote my review!

  3. The only one I've read is SCARLETT FEVER. I loved it even more than SUITE SCARLETT!

  4. That's a lot of books! I haven't read any of these but I'd love to read Finding Nouf.

  5. The Imperfectionists and I Shall Wear Midnight are both on my tbr list. Happy reading!

  6. That book The Supergirls sounds REALLY cool, but it seems odd that it's written by a guy :/ I'd be interested in your thoughts on that one!! And I'm dying to read more of the Tiffany Aching books!!! In fact, I may just start A Hat Full of Sky!

  7. I am very curious about Fish for dinner : tales of Newfoundland and Labrador by O'Neill, Paul. When you review it, please consider linking up your post to Weekend Cooking. Sounds like it might fit.

    I loved Imperfectionists -- hope you do too.

  8. Have Mort on my TBR. It will be my first Pratchett. I’ve been reading a lot about “By nightfall” in the book blogosphere, so it’ll be interesting to also know your thoughts.

  9. I've only read The Secret History of the Pink Carnation and I didn't like it, although I did love The Scarlet Pimpernel, the classic upon which it's based. It was a bit too bawdy for me.


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