Wednesday, December 08, 2010

The cc's sister is really sick… I am never entirely sure about the idea of prayer, but I’d like to think that if a bunch of people join together and think positively about a situation it can give those people the strength to make it through a difficult time. The cc and his brother flew out to be with her yesterday. I still can’t believe it has only been a week….

If anyone has been wondering where I have been, things have been a bit hectic around here.


  1. Hugs. You know where to find me if you ever need to chat.

  2. I know I already said it by email, but I'm thinking about you all.

  3. I send good vibes for you....

  4. I'm a strong believer in prayer. It seems to have helped keep my mother alive for an awfully long time (although, you know, prayer is also positive vibes, in its way). Will be thinking about and praying for her.

  5. You know I'm already praying - and will continue to do so. Hang in there. (Hugs)

  6. I believe in prayer and positive thoughts. Sending them your way! Hugs.

  7. I am so sorry to read about this. I'm sending many good thoughts and hopes for the best for her and the whole family.

  8. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sorry.

  9. Positive thoughts from me are coming to you too. I definitely think that lots of energy can make a difference. Hugs to you.

  10. I don't know if I believe in prayer, but I pray like I believe in it, and I'll pray for y'all this week. I'll do you a rosary. *hug*

  11. *hugs* Sending good thoughts your way

  12. I am so sorry. I am sending positive thoughts to you both!


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