Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Death to Spam!

My blog got spammed to death last night. That is something that never usually happens as long as I at least have word verification on. Spam has always been the real downer to blogging, I must say. I hate word verification, but it is a necessity for most bloggers. Then, I just hate moderating my comments. So, hopefully the spamming will not occur okay, or I will have to. I haven't had moderation on my blog in years, so I am a bit discouraged at the idea.

Anyway, if I missed any spam or you notice any new ones, feel free to let me know!

***Edited to add: Okay, more spam. So annoying! For the moment I just turned on comment moderation for posts older than 14 days, but if this continues I might have to make it all the time!


  1. I got rid of word verification on my blog and just moderate all comments instead - only two spam comments so far (one of which was automatically filtered into my spam inbox by Google, so it does work sometimes!). I feel happier monitoring all comments myself before they are published.

  2. Sorry, Kelly--that just sucks!!! Hope that's the last you see of it for a while.

  3. Awww: I'm sorry Kelly! I like that Wordpress automatically takes care of 99% of the spam.

  4. That's one huge reason I love Wordpress. No spam to worry about. Hope the spammers stop targeting you.

  5. Spammers are such pains in the arses!!

  6. Sorry they found you! I've tried various spam-avoidance techniques, but the most effective so far was disabling anonymous comments for just a few days. It broke some of the chains of spam that came regularly before that.

  7. Thanks everyone. :)


Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

I am so sorry, but I turned anonymous commenting off. I have had it from the very beginning, but that is how the spam is getting by my spam filter at the moment. If it is a big deal I will turn it back on and moderate all comments. I also changed moderation from older than 14 days to older than 7.