Thursday, May 03, 2012

Happy Birthday!

It is the guy aka The Charming Comedians birthday. So, Happy Birthday to the Charming Comedian! (I am not even quite sure why I still call him that... It started out as a joke and I just keep saying it.) Anyway, you don't generally read my blog unless I tell you to, but I feel like I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge it in some capacity. Plus, this video is different!

Teasing the cat
"But I want that one"
"You should give it to me..." (Sorry, she moves too much for my phone...)
"That was tiring. I need a drink!"
"Night, night!"
'And I suppose Happy Birthday! Whatever that means..." 


  1. Happy birthday to the CC!

  2. hahah, happy birthday to him!

  3. happy birthday CC !... you realize how lucky you are that the cat still wanted his mousie right?! lol

  4. Happy Birthday to the CC! Love the pictures of Casey :)

  5. A very happy birthday, CC!

  6. Oh happy birthday guy!! Hope that today is a really special one.

    And Kelly--those pictures would TOTALLY count for "Fun" tomorrow. ;) Ha! No wonder Casey is so crazypants. :)))

  7. Well happy birthday CC ;-)

  8. Haha! Happy Birthday to the CC! Such fun pics! Casey has quite a mouse collection, eh? Ours have quite a few but not *that* many! I've discovered that Fiona likes to drop them in shoes (and at least once, she apparently gifted Huzzybuns with a dead lizard). We shake our shoes out before putting them on our feet, these days. ;)

  9. Happy Birthday to the CC! I've always wondered what the CC stood for. Patience wins...

  10. Happy Birthday to the CC!!


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