Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Books for Christmas...


  1. NICE!!! The only book I got was the one I got for myself. ;) I hope you and Lorrie had a wonderful Christmas. (Guess who did get a new PL binder and swears to do better this year!

  2. Wonderful! I'm adding a few of these to my tbr list right away!

  3. Wow, it looks like Santa knows you well!! I hope your Christmas was grand!

  4. Wow, what a haul! And, yay, the Flannery O'Connor is there. :)

  5. Boy someone must have been very good all year. Great books from Santa Claus

  6. Aw yay you got a lot of books and a lot of books that look great! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  7. What a gorgeous bunch of books! I've wanted to read the Mercedes Lackey Beauty and the Beast book forever. Flannery O'Connor is ALWAYS a good idea! And I hope you like Empty Mansions as much as I did!

  8. Enjoy all the new books! Looks like you must have had a Merry Christmas.

  9. What a lovely stack! No one buys me books, perhaps because thy suspect I've bought them for myself already. So glad to see The Luminaries which I did, in fact, by for myself. :)

  10. Fab list of books!!!

  11. wow! Empty Mansions looks good! and so does Paris 1919 ! hurry up and read them so you can review the lol

  12. Awesome stack of books! I am really curious about The Girls of Atomic City! I recently came across this one and I really want to read it, so I am curious to hear what you think of that one!

  13. Wow, look at all of those books! Love all the variety too. Enjoy your haul!

  14. That's a great bunch of books! I really want to read Empty Mansions, Mary Poppins She Wrote, and the Massey Murder. Looks like I"m going to have do some post-Christmas book buying for myself!


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