Friday, January 03, 2014

End of the Year Book Survey - Looking Ahead...

1. One Book You Didn’t Get To In 2013 But Will Be Your Number 1 Priority in 2014?
hahaha.... There is so many I never got around to... I had a lousy reading year, so, yep, I have no idea where to even start.

2. Book You Are Most Anticipating For 2014 (non-debut)?
I did a whole post about this that you can find here.

3. 2014 Debut You Are Most Anticipating?
I have no idea... I usually let blog posts lead me in that direction. :)

4. Series Ending You Are Most Anticipating in 2014?
I actually am not sure what all is ending in 2014. None of my most favourite series...

5. One Thing You Hope To Accomplish Or Do In Your Reading/Blogging In 2014?
I am going to try and read all of the Lucy Maud Montgomery books! And some Terry Pratchet... And Lois McMaster Bujold.. And blog!


  1. I'm dying for the latest Murakami, but it's not released in English yet. Do you suppose I'll have time to learn Japanese before it crosses the ocean? :)

  2. I was actually thinking about re-reading the whole Anne series, and finally finish Pat's. Looking forward to your post on them!

  3. I am totally with you on your answer to number one! LOL

  4. Yay on blogging!!

  5. Ooh I like your goals for the new year! Hope it's a better reading year for you!

  6. WOO HOO! and write more letters! :D

  7. Oh! LM Montgomery! I love all of her books. I keep trying to convince my daughter that she needs to read the Anne series. So far, she keeps avoiding me on that one. 2014 will be the year I succeed!

  8. There are a number of books I want to get to this year--but I say that every year. LOL We'll see. Here's to a great 2014 in books!

  9. I feel as though I lost my grip on 2013... I had a season of little reading and little blogging. SO glad to be back now, but probably couldnt do a successful recap like you have here ;)

  10. I read quite a few books last year and still feel like I didn't always read the right ones, if that makes sense. Good luck with your goals!

  11. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I love LM Montgomery AND Bujold. I hope you do get round to reading them over 2014!


  12. I'm super excited for the last book in Lev Grossman's The Magicians trilogy. I have just adored those books and can't wait to see what he does to close out the series.


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