
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Authors I Read One Book By, Loved, and Yet Have Never Read Again

Connie Willis - I really liked this book and have basically everything else by her in some manner... Have never read them!

Kate Atkinson - I LOVED this book and can't wait until the sequel of sorts later this year... I just have never read any of her older stuff.

Kate Lord Brown - This is one of my favourite historical fiction novels. I bought her next book... Haven't read it...

Kate Summerscale - This book was really well written. Her other books all sound really good, too! I need to read more!

Marissa Meyer - I liked this book enough that I own all the sequels... Now to read them!

Octavia Butler - She is often included in e-book sales so I have a bunch by her... Haven't read them...

Patricia McKillip - I think if I had read more she would be one of my all-time favourite fantasy authors... And yet, I have only read one book by her!

Patrick Rothfuss - I have read this book twice... Still never read the sequels...

Simon Scarrow - I have also read this book twice and never read any of the sequels!

Cathy Marie Buchanan - I love this book! I need to read her recent offerings.

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted at The Broke and the Bookish.


  1. I've only read one book by Connie Willis also, but it was a different book - Doomsday Book. Which I loved. It was the medieval setting that interested me the most.

  2. My list would be a mile long if I tackled this topic! I enjoyed reading through your list, Kelly. Cathy Marie Buchanan and Kate Atkinson are two on your list I've only read one book by, but definitely hope to read more by at some point.

  3. I do this all the time, it's crazy. It also seems that, very often, if I love the first book in a series, I either jump in and read them all, or stop myself to make the pleasure last... until I have completely forgotten what the book is about. I have so many "new favorite author" I have read only one book from...

    I heard great things about many of these. I didn't know there would be a sequel to Life after Life, I need to finally read it!

  4. I loved Life After Life, too, and I had no idea there would be a sort-of sequel. You've made me all kinds of excited this morning! ;)

  5. I feel so uncultured--I haven't even read one book by any of these authors. Though I do own books by a you, just need to get around to reading them!

  6. Glad to hear there will be a sequel for Life After Life. It'll be good to find out what really happened at the end.

  7. I do this all the time. Collecting books by an author and not read them ro only one and keep the others. I did it with an older one of Kate Atkinson.


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