
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Week in Review (3) - I Have Been...

Okay... I only read one book last week, Attachments by Rainbow Rowell, so hopefully this break-down of my week will be more interesting!

Writing... I am keeping up one blog post a week, but I would like to up it to a bit more. We will see what happens... Otherwise I haven't really been writing anything.

Reading... Well, I read Attachments by Rainbow Rowell. Finally! I have started that book a couple times... I also started Landline by her, but haven't had a chance to read much yet. Otherwise, I am going through a 'moody' spell and have started a bunch of stuff so far this month that is not necessarily bad, but I am having a hard time getting back to. I hardly have read the last couple years so I think I am rusty... The Rainbow Rowell back-to-back is a project ruminating in the back of my mind about how many unread books I have on my shelves from favourite authors. I need to read them!

Listening... I am still listening to Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews. I continue to really like it and even listened to while not on the treadmill. I am still struggling with getting back in a rhythm... I also have been trying to get back into Podcasts but only seem to be listening to Books on the Nightstand at the moment. I will see about listening to something else soon...

Looking... At snow. We actually have some. Mackie will go out and actually stay out a bit to play in it. He then comes in the house with snow on his nose. Cute!

Learning... That I suck at time management... Time just goes by SO FAST and I neglect a lot of things. I am not sure if I am just learning this... Just continue struggling with it...

Anticipating... Pay day. Thanks to a glitch at work I did not get paid last week, as well as everyone else that works with me... Other banks have got it straightened out, but apparently my bank doesn't do weekends. I am thinking about changing banks. It isn't even a NEED for my pay cheque as much as feeling better when I get it...

Loving... Watching the dog play in the snow... The fact that I work from home and haven't had to leave my house in the cold... Not to mention not driving on bad roads!


  1. I love watching my dogs play in the snow. It's one of my favorite things about winter and I always miss it during summer. That totally sucks about your bank. In this day and age, you shouldn't have to wait over the weekend for a correction like that!

  2. I will be looking forward to your thoughts on Clean Sweep as I have a copy of that one myself. I just need to find the time to read it! Have a great week!

  3. Not cool about your bank! Hopefully that gets straightened out soon!

    And, I'm with you at not being good at time management. Where do the hours go? Here it is almost the end of the weekend and I still have a list of to do's that I did not get too.

  4. Oh, how I love Ilona Andrews. I need to get back to her books. I was thinking the other day how I need to try another audio book. I never finished the one I started last year, and never moved on to another one. I have a couple short ones I think I might be able to get through successfully. It's just a matter of motivating myself to turn off the music and play the audiobook. I do love my music though . . .

    I hope you have a great week, Kelly!

  5. I have both Landline and Attachments on my to-read list - I really want to get to them soon. I'm the same with time management. I'm always asking, where did that time go? It can get quite painful, really.

  6. Working form home is rather nice, isn't it? It's not as cold in Switzerland as in Canda but I'm glad anyway.
    I'm looking foward to hear more about Clean Sweep.

  7. Rainbow Rowell's 'Fangirl' is also a terrific read.

  8. I have Attachments on my ereader but keep forgetting about it (I need a better system to keep track of ebooks since when I'm looking for a new book to read I always go to my physical shelves first). And I'm the same way about authors--I LOVE Margaret Atwood but have a ton of books unread by her on my shelf. I also collect books by authors I've never read before. Seems crazy.

    Enjoy the snow. I'm grateful for a little warmer weather here! ;)

  9. I thought Attachments was a lot of fun. It was in the 60s here today which made me very happy!

  10. Ugh..I hate banks! I really enjoyed Attachments and Landline is still on my wishlist

    Happy Monday!
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  11. I think of Attachments and Landline as the bookend of Rowell's terrific middle period. Fangirl and Eleanor & Park are great. Attachments is fun and shows the promise of greatness. Landline is fun and might be what she had to write while her greatness gathers itself into a ball again.

  12. Awww, I bet your dog is having so much fun in the snow! My dog encountered snow once when she was a tiny puppy, and it was so cute, and she's never seen snow since then. I'm glad you're able to stay in while your dog frolics in the snow!


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