
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten 2015 Releases I Meant To Get To But Didn't

Black Dove, White Raven
How have I not read this yet? I didn't even get a copy in the end. I am going to get the paperback when it is out later this year...

Shadow Scale
Excited for it, bought a copy... Still have not read it!

Dead Heat
Yep. I haven't read this yet. Pretty sure this is a first since I started this series ages ago...

A Desperate Fortune
I think a fine example of how 2015 played out is that I don't even know if I have this book... I do know I never got around to reading it!

A God in Ruins
I loved Life After Life... What am I waiting for??

The Philosopher Kings
Jo Walton. An author I love but neglect terribly.

I think I will love this, but just didn't get around to it in 2015. I plan to get the paperback in 2016, though!

I loved his other book... Still haven't grabbed a copy...

I was so excited about this... Now to read it...

Ink and Bone
This is something that sounds right up my alley... Just never got around to reading it!


  1. A Desperate Fortune almost made my list. Uprooted is one I would like to read someday as is Ink and Bone. They are both on my wish list. I have Shadow Scale but need to read Seraphina first. I hope you are able to get to them this year.

  2. Your list makes me feel a little better about getting to a couple of books -- Shadow Scale and Armada -- last year right when they came out. I still have "new releases" on my TBR that I bought years ago.

  3. I read one on your list! Armada was cute - not as good as Ready Player One, but once it got going it was cute. I started listening to A God in Ruins, but I returned it. I think it is a book where the hard copy would be better. When I can see the changes in the story on the page, with spaces, or new pages, etc. It was too jumbled for me to listen to.

  4. I didn't see a lot of buzz foe Shadow Scale, even though Seraphina was pretty widely liked. I'll be curious what you think when you get around to reading it!

  5. I really liked Novik's Uprooted, and I want to read Armada, but just have not gotten around to it.

  6. Read Uprooted! It's such a nice little stand alone :) It made me smile and cry and everything in between.


  7. I really want to read Ink and Bone as well! I STILL haven't read Cinder despite everyone loving it so much- another book I really need to get to soon. It sure does sound like you have lots of great reading ahead of you if you get to these soon :)


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