
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Week in Review - Week 3

Random Thoughts

A snowy winter weekend... I should hopefully have read lots and lots. It is more likely that I cleaned... I have been thinning out my possessions which is a time-consuming project, but all ready looks way better!
I am sure I could get rid of a lot more stuff... It is a process... The problem with cleaning is it cuts into reading time. So, hopefully I can get to a point where I have some time to read more.

Graphic Novel Year

This week I read: 
The Fade Out - Act 2 (E-Book)
Trees - Volume 1: In Shadow (E-Book)
Wytches - Volume 1 (E-Book)

Currently Reading

Weekly Reading

I read Volume 1 of this last week and quite enjoyed it. I was happy to see how the series continued. When I read the first issue of this near the end of 2015, I didn't think it was really my thing. But, reading the volumes showed me otherwise. Looking forward to volume 3!

I have been curious about this one for a while. I have to admit the first volume didn't blow me away, so I am not sure if the first issue would have been enough to intrigue me. But, I found the first volume set things up enough that I am curious about volume 2. I will likely read it one day!

I have read Scott Snyder before, so I was curious about this series. I have to admit that I still have no idea what I thought of it. It was just weird. If I had a chance to read another volume, I likely would... But at the moment I am not sure if I would hunt another volume out. It just didn't blow me away. It was just... Weird...

I have heard good things about this series, so I was happy to finally check it out. Let's just say there is a dog that he can talk to and then you will know why I was excited about this series. And, I really liked this first book! I definitely will be checking out more of the series.

New Additions

Nothing this week...

Weekly Posts

Weekly Pictures


  1. I ended up buying the current Humble Bundle and both Trees and Wytches are in it which I'm looking forward to but they sound a little out there from your review. We'll have to see what I think.

  2. I'm trying to read more off my actual shelves right now because it's gotten completely out of control! The thinning out is definitely challenging but once it's done it feels great.


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