
Monday, February 15, 2016

Book Blogger Appreciation Week - Day 1 - Introduce Yourself!

Day 1: Introduce yourself by telling us about five books that represent you as a person or your interests/lifestyle.

Today is the first day of the BBAW! I was around when this was first thought up, so I am happy to see it back around and revamped.

We Should All Be Feminists - Girl Power! I like to read books that are about strong women and believe that the world should work on how women are treated. I consider myself a feminist, though!

The Republic of Nothing - A novel set off the coast of Nova Scotia, where I live. The island is imaginary but the title can sort of represent a few things at the moment.

Understanding Exposure - I dabble with photography, but I am definitely enthusiastic and constantly trying to learn!

Fables - I love fantasy and fairy tales and graphic novels!

Wayward - Some things are constant in life, but I think everyone can be a Wayward soul about life... Definitely me!


  1. Yay, I'm glad you joined in!

  2. These titles do kind of sum up the way I think of you -- East Coast photographer & lover of graphic novels -- and long time blogger! Fun to see your choices.

  3. I have loved your recent snow pictures! I'm glad you joined in today. :)

  4. I will ALWAYS think of you when I see Fables! I need to bookmark your post on the reading order...I was at the library the other day and ended up walking away because I wasn't sure which one I could grab. Need to see if 1001 Nights is standalone?

    1. Ok--you totally need a short link to that post somewhere on your blog!

  5. Fables! WE Should All Be Feminists! Great choices, my dear. I'm so glad you're joining in!

  6. Yayyy! So many good choices here! You're the second person I've seen choose "We Should All Be Feminists" as one of their books, and I love that choice. A wonderful little book by a brilliant author. <3

  7. Anonymous12:38 AM

    OOOH! I've wanted to read We Should All be Feminists for so long! Such an interesting list of books!

  8. This is a great list, Kelly. I can see you in each of your choices. :-) I need to read "We Should Be Feminists".

  9. Hello, Nice to meet you. Our interests seem different.. But books join us.

  10. I recently started reading graphic novels and have Fables on my list to try. I'm betting I will like that series. :-)

  11. I thought about The Republic of Nothing for my list too, but picked something else. I just bought We Should All Be Feminists. I'll get to it soon!


  13. A friend just loaned me We Should All Be Feminists so I'll be reading it soon. I would love to become a better photographer but I still just use the auto setting on my camera so I have a long way to go!

  14. A great introduction and an awesome selection of books!


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