
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Book Blogger Appreciation Week - Day 3 - Blogger Recommendations

What have you read and loved because of a fellow blogger?

This is the most complicated question ever... I posted my first post on this blog on December 16, 2015. (I just hit 10 years and didn't even acknowledge it. Go me!) In those years, lots of bloggers have come and gone. That means lots and lots of book recommendations! To even narrow it down is a huge project, right? So, let's see what I can do... I decided to go with the books I have read between January 2015 that I enjoyed and were because of book bloggers.

I love this series! I read it because of Darren

I read this series because of Debi.

I really liked the first two books in this series and read it thanks to Heather.

I originally read one of my favourite series back in 2009 thanks to people like Carl and Heather. (I read two volumes in this series last year, so that is why I consider it counting...)

This is one I loved last year and read it because of Aarti.

Love this series and read it thanks to Memory!

Another book I read because of Heather. She is on a roll!

And, that, folks... Is a year of blogger recommendations! There were others I know I read because of blogging but couldn't remember who the person was... And if I went back even further this list would grow by a lot!


  1. I tend to think it's a good thing that only a few recommendations remain attached in my memory to the person who wrote about them--that way, I don't blame anybody for the ones I don't like!

  2. I tend to think it's a good thing that only a few recommendations remain attached in my memory to the person who wrote about them--that way, I don't blame anybody for the ones I don't like!

  3. :) Carl's challenges have influenced a lot of my reading!

  4. And when I read Morning Glories, it will be because of you! (I'd like to think Memory read Hawkeye because of me, but I don't think that's in fact accurate.) Circle fo life!

  5. I've just started reading some graphic novels and enjoying them very much. I saw Morning Glories at my library and wondered about it. Now I won't need to wonder, right? Thanks!

  6. Every time I see Morning Glories I think of my university days. :-) There was a creative writing magazine with that title that the school put out of students work. Anyway, I probably will read that one one of these days.

    Although I credit my husband with getting me into graphic novels, a lot of the titles that I have read or want to read are thanks to book bloggers.

    Oh, and I really want to read Shine.

  7. I'm never gonna abandon my HAWKEYE evangelism.


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