
Monday, March 21, 2016

Once Upon a Time X

Ten Years! Hard to believe! That means that I have known Carl, the host and blogger at Stainless Steel Droppings, for over 10 years. Crazy! It is exciting, too... Over the years we have recommended books to each other and done buddy reads. I have participated in every one of his challenges (until recently when I didn't do the Sci-Fi Experience. I used to have a great track record). Oh, and our Advent Calendar posts every December 24th were traditions. We had some great ideas! Blogging comes and goes. We read.. And then other times life gets in the way... But, at the end of the day I am really excited to see another Once Upon a Time...

On to the challenge...

Read at least 5 books that fit somewhere within the Once Upon a Time categories. They might all be fantasy, or folklore, or fairy tales, or mythology…or your five books might be a combination from the four genres.

This quest involves the reading of one or more short stories that fit within at least one of the four genres during the course of any weekend, or weekends, during the challenge. Ideally you would post about your short story readings on Sundays or Mondays, but this is not strictly necessary.

I enjoy sharing a 'pool of possibilities' as a separate post, so check it out later in the week!


  1. This sounds so fun! I'm definitely signing up!! :D

  2. Ten years! That is kind of scary. I've participated every year, although I haven't signed up yet. :)

  3. I never ever considered participating because I did not think I read a lot of fantasy novels. I now realize I tend to like fantasy a lot more than I thought I did! This is what many years of blogging will help you determine.

    I cannot believe it has been ten years. Time seriously flies.

  4. Have fun with the challenge!

  5. It was Carl's very first OUaT that really introduced me to book blogs. And both directly and indirectly to the people I consider my best friends today. And to some people I've since lost touch with, but who will forever hold a special place in my heart. I don't really blog in a way that is conducive to reading challenges anymore, but I really don't know how I can not sign up. Good luck, Kelly! And thanks for being one of those people who is so near and dear to my heart! :)
    (Yep, it's Debi again.)

  6. Enjoy the challenge! I don't know why I never participate in this one.

  7. I'm so glad you are doing the challenge too! I went with the easiest quest - the journey but ideally I would love to read more. I'll be looking forward to some recommendations from you because I'm sure you'll have some great book finds!

  8. Thank you for posting about this event, because it would have slipped out of my radar!! I'm going to sign up, probably with the First Quest.


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