
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Ten Books I Really Love But Feel Like I Haven't Talked About Enough

All Families are Psychotic - I never talk about Douglas Coupland, but I love him! This is my favourite, odd-ball book by him. 

Mistress of the Art of Death - I love this series. I used to be a huge historical fiction reader, but I have really fizzled on it the last couple years. I mean a female medical examiner in historical times? So awesome!

The Dark Queen - I didn't expect to like this series, but it was a fun blend of fantasy and historical fiction!

Phantom - Retelling of Phantom of the Opera for the win!

The Republic of Nothing - Love Lesley Choyce! This takes place on a fictional island off the coast of Nova Scotia, where I live, and where basically anything goes!

Ghost Rider - This non-fiction book is so well written and will appeal to all readers even if you are not necessarily a Rush fan.

Outlander - I love this book! I have read it more than once... Never read on in the series. Page turner, though!

The House of the Spirits - Isabel Allende used to be an auto-buy for me... I really need to reconnect with some of her newer books, but this magical realism tale was so good!

Skulduggery Pleasant - I love Skulduggery. He is a walking, talking skeleton!

The Bronze Horseman - Russia. WWII. Yes, please! Such a good book!!

To check out this feature, go here.


  1. I could have picked the Coupland and Mistress of the Art of Death for my list - both were so good. Great list Kelly!

  2. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Ooh lots of new to me books. I like the sound of Skulduggeryy! That looks like some nutty stuff!! Off to find out about Lesley Choyce!

  3. Oh dear. The only one of these I've heard of is Outlander and I do want to read that one.

  4. Everyone seems to love The Bronze Horseman - have it on my wishlist for ages. On Outlander, I read the second and it was a huge disappointment, never read further.

  5. Great list! Heard of them but haven't read any (LOL). I've always wanted to read Skulduggery though.

  6. Oh, i really liked Ariana Franklin's series! Enjoyed The Outlander, but never continued with the rest of the books. New titles to consider!

  7. I love Skulduggery too, but it wasn't on my list this week as I constantly fangirl about how much I love Skulduggery!
    My TTT:

  8. Oh I need to revisit Douglas Coupland! I read a whole bunch of his books in maybe 2009 and thought they were tremendous, but I haven't read anything else by him in a few years. Gotta rectify that!

  9. Great choices! I read Phantom years ago and remember thinking it was such a great book although it did make me cry!

  10. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Once upon a time I had "The House of the Spirits" on my to-read list. I never got around to getting myself a copy. I'm not familiar with other books in this post, but they sound interesting.

    ~ Risa


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