
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Week in Review - Week 17

Random Thoughts

Sunday morning. I did some early morning reading and coffee drinking. It was the readathon weekend where I visited blogs, Twitter, and Instagram. That was my participation. I read a bit, but that would have happened anyway. I was in a kind of blah mood this weekend because the weather was kind of blah and I am not feeling the best. This is where my cleaning schedule came in handy because normally on the weekend I feel like I have to do a million things, but this weekend I was able to be low key. I still have a few things to do today, but I am being lazy. Maybe after more coffee I will feel more inspired.

Graphic Novel Year

Bucky Barnes - Volume 2
Giant Days - Volume 2
Batgirl - Volume 2: Knightfall Descends
Supergirl - Volume 1: Last Daughter of Krypton
Peter Panzerfaust - Volume 1: The Great Escape

Currently Reading


Currently Watching

Weekly Reading

Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier - Volume 2 (Marvel Unlimited) - I just could not get into this series... I read the two volumes but I have no idea why. The art is really different than typical Marvel Comics, so I did enjoy that, but the store made no lasting impression on me.

Giant Days - Volume 2 - I think this series is so fun! I read the first Volume earlier this year and couldn't wait for this one to be released. The story of three young women in college and their adventures. It touches on a lot of subjects that are believable but does it with humour. I am looking forward to Volume 3! Recommended!

Illuminae - I had been seeing this book around and I was really curious about it. So, I finally decided to grab a copy... And, well, let's just say I read this book over a short period of time! It was really good and I immediately pre-ordered the sequel because all the things and I have to know what happens next! It was a creative approach to themes that are really popular right now. I think it is refreshing that original ideas are still possible! Strongly recommended!

Batgirl - Volume 2: Knightfall Descends - I don't like this series quite as much as the newer series, but I still really enjoy Batgirl and am so happy that I am starting to explore DC comics more.

The Miniaturist - Audible - My audiobook listening continues! I have been curious about this book for a while, but I actually couldn't remember what it was about. I loved it! I am glad I finally got around to it and was so happy with the audio performance. It is historical fiction, but there is an element of the magical to it. That made it right up my alley. Plus, love the cover! Strongly recommended!

Supergirl - Volume 1: Last Daughter of Krypton - After my success with Batgirl, I decided to try the new storyline of Supergirl. I honestly don't know a lot about her other than she exists. I liked it, though! I am looking forward to seeing where things go from here. This really was just a chance to be introduced to her and start to develop her backstory. Recommended!

Peter Panzerfaust - Volume 1: The Great Escape - Um, so did you know there was a comic that combined Peter Pan and WWII? I had no idea until someone lent these to me and now I am baffled how I missed out that this existed! It is a great idea and done so well so far. I am looking forward to reading on! Recommended!

New Additions

Rebel of the Sands
Giant Days - Volume 2

Weekly Posts

Week in Review - Week 16
Things I Have Learned Since... I Started Bullet Journalling

Weekly Pictures


  1. I'm going to have to read Illuminae. Everyone is loving it. I love that pic of the night sky!

  2. Some laziness sounds pretty good! I think we all need some time to do not much periodically or we go mad! I have the Miniaturist on my TBR. I love the cover too! Have a great week!

  3. I really liked ILLUMINAE too! I've not read anything by either of the authors before, so it was a good intro to their work.

  4. Same thing here for the blah weather. I wish nature could settle on a season soon!

    I'm so happy to hear you loved Illuminae, it was such a fun and different book! I heard amazing things about the audio, too, and I'm tempted to reread it on audio before the second one comes out.

  5. Spring - yay! I also have Illuminae on the TBR and really looking forward to it, because usually the hype dies down in the after-hype reviews, but not in this case.

  6. I appreciate you visiting my blog during Readathon! Sounds like you do it your way and that's great!

  7. I appreciate you visiting my blog during Readathon! Sounds like you do it your way and that's great!

  8. Giant Days does look like a lot of fun! I love all the dog photos.

  9. Mackie and his stick! That boy must have jaws of steel to carry around something that big. Still, it makes for an awfully adorable picture!

    Can I say thank you again for sharing your cleaning schedule? I am in LOVE with it. I think my house is cleaner now that it ever is when I cram everything in over the weekend.

    I love the fact that you still managed to participate and leave comments during the readathon, proving once again how awesome the book community is!

  10. Like everyone else, I really must get my hands on a copy of ILLUMINAE. I've heard such wonderful things about it.

    Are the blue flowers crocuses? Whatever they are, they're gorgeous!


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