
Sunday, May 01, 2016

Week in Review - Week 18

Random Thoughts

I call myself a project undertaker. I feel like with things like Bullet Journalling and a cleaning schedule, I am constantly trying to find ways to make my life better. I don't spend the weekend overwhelmed with everything that I have to do. I feel much more relaxed. If I had a spare moment I used to feel like I had to clean before anything else. Now there are a few things I have to do everyday regardless, but otherwise I follow my schedule. And, by having a list of things I want to accomplish everyday, I feel like I am getting better at managing my time. It is not perfect, but life is about learning something new everyday, right? 

Graphic Novel Year

Amazingly, nothing...

Currently Reading


Currently Watching

Weekly Reading

Lexicon by Max Barry - Audible - I am so happy that my audiobook listening continues. I really enjoyed this listen. The book made the rounds at one point and I snagged a copy, but took me until now to read it. It is a book about words and their power. I thought it was pretty originally done for the most part and enjoyed both of the narrators. Glad I finally got this read! Strongly recommended!

New Additions

Nothing this week...

Weekly Posts

Week in Review - Week 17

Weekly Pictures


  1. I love having weekends to relax instead of trying to get a thousand things done.

  2. I need to try that cleaning schedule myself! My poor house could sure use the extra TLC! Have a great week!

  3. OMG those two first pictures are the best! Hope you have a great week ahead!

  4. I am definitely checking out that cleaning schedule. Thanks for passing along the link!

    How are you finding Daughter of Smoke and Bone? It's on my reading list but I haven't quite got to it yet.

    Lovely photos! That sunset is stunning and I quite like the B&W of the light.

    I hope your week is going well.

  5. I love seeing your photos (big animal lover here)

  6. Lexicon!! So glad you liked it! I read that one a few years ago and just absolutely couldn't put it down. I stayed up late late late to finish it -- super fun read. Have you read Daniel O'Malley's book The Rook? It reminded me in some ways of Lexicon.

  7. Busy girl! :) I liked The Rook, but didn't really care for The Lexicon!

  8. Love the pics!

    I would like to see your bujo too. I started back at the end of January. I really enjoy it!


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