
Saturday, December 10, 2016

#AMonthofFaves & Countdown to Christmas

Favorite Book to Movie or TV Shows

Those that know me, know I do not watch much TV... So, all I can think of for this is The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, and Lord of the Rings. There are many others but I haven't read the book or I haven't seen the movie. (Like Still Alice. I have heard good things about the book, planned to read it before watching the movie, but the guy was watching it one night and I ended up watching it, too... It was really good. I still want to read the book.) 

#WeekendReading {Picking Favorites}

While I love the idea of #AMonthofFaves, I have not really visited many blogs participating. So, I am sure I will have a great answer for this once I have a chance to do some blog hopping!

The Most Unique, Weird or Most Memorable Book(s) Read This

~ We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson - This book is just creepy.
~ The Fireman by Joe Hill - This was my first longer work by Joe Hill and I really liked it, but it is outside of my normal genre reading so stands out to me.
~ Locke & Key by Joe Hill (Audio) - I have read the comics, so I knew what to expect, but this was my first time doing an adaptation of a comic and it was a lot of fun!

The movie I'm looking forward to watching this Christmas season...

I would have watched this all ready if I could find my copy. It's vanished!

A treat I love to make or eat during the holidays...

um, I don't really bake. There are only two of us and I just figure I will avoid the temptation. lol Our holiday tradition is lobster. We are having some for Christmas Eve this year.

Favourite thing I love to do with my family during the holidays...

I am not even sure if we have Christmas traditions to be honest. When we were kids we used to have fondue night on New Year's Eve. Nowadays, the holidays are just a big rush and I just kind of go with the flow.


  1. I love the Muppet Christmas Carol.

  2. I've read Still Alice and haven't seen the movie. I need to because I loved the book and am curious about the movie.


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