
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Week in Review - Week 50

Random Thoughts

The quieter reading month continues. At least audiobooks and graphic novels are working for me. It is what it is, right? I am enjoying what I am reading, so I am not really complaining. There were just some books I really wanted to get to before the year was over.

Graphic Novel Year

Sunstone - Volume 2

Currently Reading


Weekly Reading

Sunstone - Volume 2 ~ This is very outside of my normal reading range, but I don't hate it. I don't love it either. I am not sure what I do with it. lol I will definitely be reading Volume 3 and maybe on. I guess there comes a time where you want to step out of your comfort zone...

Free the Darkness ~ For some reason, I loved this. I can't even put my finger on why. I read some reviews of it after I read it and I agreed with their points, but I still listened to it very quickly. The reviews say the main character is too perfect, and he is, but it didn't bug me. So, I am hesitant to recommend this because I am not sure if it was really good or if I am just in a mood and it worked for it. The narrator was awesome on the audio, that definitely helped!

New Additions

Nothing this week...

Weekly Posts

Week in Review - Week 49
Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I Read for the First Time in 2016
#AMonthofFaves2016 & Countdown to Christmas
Wordless Wednesday - Take 11
#AMonthofFaves & Countdown to Christmas
WWW Wednesday - On Thursday (10)
Bookish (And Not so Bookish) Thoughts
Saturday Snapshot - Take 11
#AMonthofFaves & Countdown to Christmas



  1. Beautiful winter pictures! I love Chloe's expression with the reindeer antlers on. Did Finn not have to endure a costume?

  2. Books are so personal! Sometimes we can be critical of certain aspects and still love the book. Other times, not so much. I don't do audio books, but imagine the reader is crucial.

  3. Sometimes we just have to take our reading however it comes. :-) I love your photos as always, Kelly. Especially those of your cute furkids. Thanks for sharing. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. The snow is beautiful but I'm glad it's there and not here. It's a slow reading month for me too.

  5. My cat has the same hat!! It looks just as silly on him! :D
    Your winter landscape looks gorgeous. Winter is my favorite season, it's just to pretty.

  6. Your outdoor pictures have me humming "Winter Wonderland."

    I cannot stop laughing at that picture of Mackie and Chloe in their holiday headpieces. That look of Mackie's is priceless!


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