
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Week in Review - Week 5


*waves* I actually laid in bed last night trying to think of what I wanted to talk about today. I think that most things that I want to talk about are just not where I want to take my blog. But, really, things are crazy. I am a bit scared at this world right now. I just do not understand why this stuff is happening... The world is just depressing. It has put a damper on reading. I think I know why the reading year is off to a slow start, the world is crazy and you can't really look away. Hopefully this week will be better! I may have done some retail therapy this week, though. I totally bought some 'supportive' books: Mockingbird - Volume 1: I Can Explain, Tank Girls: Two Girls One Tank Collection 1, The Princess Diarist, and the March Trilogy. If you understand why I see these books as supportive, then good on you. If you don't, I do. lol

Currently Reading

I really like this! Now if I only had time to read more from it...


Weekly Reading

Gabi, A Girl in Pieces ~ I was checking out what was available in my library catalogue and this was. I saw this around a bit last year and I was curious about it. It was pretty good. Told through diary entries, it is about a very all over the place teenage life. It is real life! It does not cover easy topics at all, but it was very readable. I am glad I checked it out and definitely recommend it!

All-New X-Men - Volume 1 & 2 ~  My Marvel Unlimited reading continues.  I am behind in the world that is Marvel at the moment because I got a bit bored with their last big storyline, but I don't think I am missing a lot with this series. The time travelling X-Men are continuing their adventures. Still a lot fun! Recommended!

New Additions

Nothing this week, but just wait for next week!

Weekly Posts

Week in Review - Week 4


  1. I know exactly what you mean- the world is a very scary place right now and it is hard. I've turned to a comfort read as that is just the type of book I need right now. Have a great week!

  2. I completely understand how you don't want to take your blog in the direction of the things that you feel are most important to talk about! I too struggle a lot with that. I still don't talk very much about life on the blog, but I think my reading choices are veering more towards my politics, anyway!

    I too loved Gabi - so glad you read it!

  3. I'm now in my early sixties and I have *never* seen anything like the current mess that's happening in the world, in my entire life. I did at least think Trump would act rationally when he got in but even that faint hope has been shattered. It's so worrying and I'm so glad I have books to take my mind off it all.

  4. Like Cath, I have never seen this kind of animosity. I am concerned about just about everything now. Praying that Congress will stand up and be counted, but having serious doubts. I'm not reading dystopian novels because of the election, I've always loved them, but now they seem too close for comfort.

  5. I hear you. I can't stand getting on line anymore almost. So much hate and negativity. I've just been curling up and reading.

  6. This has been a hard damn month, and only a week of it has been lived under the current presidency. I'm pretty much dreading February, and I'm sure when that's done I'll get started dreading March. But books have meant the world to me this month, and this last week even more particularly. So I'm still talking about books on my blog, and I still love my wonderful book blogging community.

  7. I was talking to someone at work who protested during the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War. He says things are not quite to that level...yet, but like all of us, he is confused by what T is trying to prove by pushing everything through all at once. He recognizes the danger but says it is up to our generation to do the protesting. And that we need to keep doing.

    I find the exact opposite though. Books are my solace when I cannot read or watch the news anymore. It is a relief to immerse myself into the world of fiction these days when the real world is a dystopian novel in the making.

  8. I'm with you, K, in that the news definitely has put a damper on reading...and on life, in general. I'm finding it hard to focus on much of anything anymore.

  9. What a mess is right. I have signed more petitions and sent off letters than ever in my life but I'm feeling a bit defeated right now. Glad retail therapy helped a bit and maybe I should do some of that too! Oh and so glad you enjoyed Gabi!

  10. I also indulged in some retail therapy and picked up the March trilogy last week - in addition to way too many others... it seems to be the only way I can cope. I read Marked in Flesh as well - thanks to your recommendation! Am really loving the series :D

  11. I love you call it retail therapy and it's about BOOK BUYING! I bought a book directly from Feminist Press to show my support (it was for TOB, Black Wave)
    I want to read the March trilogy - YES!


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