Friday, February 03, 2017
Books, Life, & Everything Else (4)
1. | Well, I missed this post last week. My blogging is not off to the start for the year that I had hoped. But, really, last week was just a bust in all areas. I didn't even do my bullet journal last week. Last week is just lost in time.
2. | It is #ComicsFebruary and I am off to a great start. So far I have read Morning Glories - Volume 10 (such a weird series) and Black Science - Volume 1 (been curious about this series for a while, but didn't love it enough I can see me reading on). I am excited to make February about comics.
3. | Speaking of comics, I wasn't going to get the Image Humble Bundle, but then I remembered that February is #ComicsFebruary and got the bundle. Black Science is from it, so hopefully I can work my way through it in a timely manner. (The current bundle is Tank Girl. I would love to get that one, but thankfully they have made it easier to resist because it is not collected volumes of the series, just single issues.)
4. | So far February is off to a good start reading wise in general. I have read 3 books. January just didn't go well, so I am hoping February I can settle in with some of those books that I wanted to read last year and never got to. I know that graphic novels and audiobooks is still considered reading, but I just want to concentrate on some of the longer works on my shelves.
5. | The problem with my getting over my reading slump is that I want to read everything. lol On audio, I finally got a copy of Marked in Flesh by Anne Bishop, so I am on book 4 in that series! Book 5 will be out in March, so all ready plan to spend a credit on it. Then, I am over 100 pages into The Last Days of Magic by Mark L. Tompkins. I got the e-copy from the library after trying it on audio last year and not clicking with it. I am enjoying reading it much more. (For the record, it was not the narrator, just the jumping around story and too many characters to keep straight.) Then, I have about 5 other books with bookmarks in them. They are mostly left over from January's slump.
6. | I went to read Black Science last night and my app that I read my e-books on was gone off my e-reader. I guess it has a new name, but not sure if they deleted it because of the new name, or when I was cleaning off my tablet to make room for a software update I was a little too thorough. I found it under its new name this morning and it is back on there and ready for me to use it again. Hopefully everything else is the same on it!
7. | Chloe continues to grow like a bad weed. She is still not a really cuddly cat, but she is a shadow cat. If I come downstairs, she comes downstairs kind of thing. She will follow Finn around a bit and deviate from that, but mostly she is always near where I am. She is sleeping on my desk while I write this post!
8. | I should mention that there was a possible Casey sighing last week, but upon receiving some pictures, it wasn't her. It has been since October so I am not really optimistic, but keep hoping she is in a house somewhere and they let her out and she comes back. She would be good for Chloe. Finn has some really annoying habits that Chloe has picked up on. (For the record, I was really tempted to take in the Casey look-alike. The people that found her said she was really friendly and she's a cat, so less likely she will be adopted. But, well, we all ready have two cats and Chloe still needs to get spayed and they were pretty sure this cat did, too. Just not in the budget at the moment.)
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I'm sure that possible Casey sighting got your hopes up - too bad it wasn't her. Keep up all that reading!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry it wasn't Casey :( Also... how are you liking The Last Days of Magic? Still going well? I found it was too much a mashup of a dry historical study with a story. Like, I seem to recall long descriptions of what weapons looked like and how they were used which bored me to tears. hah. But Ann Bishop - WHY MUST I WAIT SO LONG UNTIL THE NEXT BOOK LIFE IS UNFAIR ;) Your fault for getting me reading them.
ReplyDeleteSorry it wasn't Casey. :( one of my cats picked up on some bad habits from my other cat too. Not fun! I bet Chloe gets more snuggly as she gets older. They usually do.
ReplyDeleteAw, friend, I'm so sorry it wasn't Casey. <3
ReplyDeleteI know the feeling of wanting to read everything so really you end up reading nothing. Very frustrating if I'm being honest. I'm glad to hear that February is turning out to be a better reading month for you though! That is always a good thing :) Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteOh no, I'm sorry it wasn't Casey! I just hope she is with a good family. We'll need a new picture of Chloe to see how big she's getting :)
ReplyDeleteThe Casey non-sighting is disheartening. It sounds like you have your hands full with Chloe. You'll get back to reading all the books. I'm sure!
ReplyDeleteYou've reminded me I need to make a run to the comic bookstore on Friday to pick up my husband's order. I forgot to do it this weekend. I plan to read Marked in Flesh soon. I can't wait to dive in. Have a great week, Kelly!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry it wasn't Casey. That would've been so awesome if it had been. Now, you're crushed all over again. :( *hugs*