Saturday, January 04, 2020

I'm Back....

… Or, am I?

I have been thinking for a while that I might like to try this blogging thing again. I miss talking about books and being part of the bookish community. I started this blog in 2005. If I had continued it, it would have been 15 years this year. It's hard to believe it has been that long! I still talk to people I met over the years on different platforms, but it is just not the same.

The main reason I stopped blogging; was I stopped reading. I hardly read at all in 2017 and then 2018 was terrible. In 2019, I slowly started to find my groove again. Then, in June of 2019, my father was diagnosed with cancer. He died 5 and a half weeks later. It is something you know that you will likely go through, but to actually go through it... That is something else entirely.

I had just started to get my reading groove back and then I went into a slump again. I still managed to read 127 books in 2019, but it was mainly audiobooks on my commute. But, I wanted to read again. I just needed to get my head above water again. It is hard to say what 2020 will bring. So far, I am reading and actively wanting to pick up books, but the events of the Summer of 2019 are still with me. My father has not even been gone 6 months and I have already done my first birthday without him, his first birthday he was not around for, and the first Christmas. They were all hard.

Baby Me & My Father
I never really made this blog that personal. I mentioned things here and there, but didn't make it my main focus. I shared pictures of the cats and the dog. I mentioned my relationship here and there. I would sometimes mention work or something that had happened, but it was mostly about books. And, I think I am ready for the distraction of books again. I think I want to be back in that community I had so much fun in for years. The people that I still consider friends.

I am not sure what form that will take. In 2016, my last real reading year, I blogged every Sunday. I might start there and see where the year takes me. I am not even sure if people blog hop anymore. No one may ever see this post. But, I am going to try and come back. If only because I enjoy talking about the books I read and hoping that someone out there will enjoy it, too.


  1. Yay! Im attempting to return too. We'll see how it goes

  2. welcome back! I'm still here and blogging about books, but I feel my core blogging community has dissipated, and I haven't really found new blog friends for years (partly because I so rarely comment)

  3. I see you on FB of course so did not 'lose' you so to speak. It's a shock to the system to lose someone so close to you. I lost my brother in September so the final months of 2019 were difficult, plus it seemed our turn to have all sorts of other problems thrown at us too. To be honest, I'm happy to see the back of 2019 and I suspect you are too. Welcome back to blogging!

  4. Happy to see you, but sad about your Dad. Find your balance, ❤️

  5. I'm so very happy to see a blog post from you! I'm so sorry for the loss of your dad. It is devastating. I lost my dad to cancer almost 19 years ago and sometimes it just feels like it didn't happen. I wish you peace and welcome back to blogland!


Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

I am so sorry, but I turned anonymous commenting off. I have had it from the very beginning, but that is how the spam is getting by my spam filter at the moment. If it is a big deal I will turn it back on and moderate all comments. I also changed moderation from older than 14 days to older than 7.