Friday, December 16, 2005

A Redbird Christmas - Fannie Flagg (December/05)

A book club that I belong to on a forum was reading this book, so I thought I would join in. I ended up with two Christmas reads this year. It is about a man living the last days of his life where he learns that it is never too late to start something new in life. He is in the last half of his life, but he finds that if you want something bad enough it can happen. The main character was an orphan, he hardly knew what it was to belong to one, but one day he goes to the doctor and receives terrible news that winds up leading him to the family that he had never had but always wanted. It is a little town, where everyone knows everyone else that he ends up. I find this novel similar to Dickens' famous tale, but telling you why would give too much away. I think that Flagg has done a great job with this book in spinning a tale for Christmas that touches the hearts of many. I plan on reading more of Flagg's work.


I acutally have in my "to read" pile:

Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café
Welcome to the World, Baby Girl!

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