Friday, November 17, 2006

I'm Alive

I am sorry I have been so away this month. It has been a CRAZY month. I haven't had time to read, even if I wanted to. I had three essays and a presentation due yesterday, and two of the essays were rather large, so I have had my nose in other books than the sort you read for fun. Needless to say, I have only had time to finish two books this month, an unheard of thing from me, but sometimes you just get too busy to read. It happens. I doubt I will finish my reading challenge, just with the time left, so I am just going to read one war-related novel every month until the pile is gone. I also won't make my goal of 200, but that's okay. I have come to terms with that. I read as many books as I did last year all ready, so whatever else I manage is an added bonus. I think next year I will concentrate more on cleaning than numbers. There are several books that I have been on my shelves too long, and I need to read some of my chunksters, because that pile is getting high.

Anyways, sorry about the slacking in posts and reading, but university comes first.

How are things with everyone else?


  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Hey Kelly. :P Things are fine with me.

  2. Hey Kelly :D Don't worry, totally understandable that university comes first :D If you can, stay there as long as possible :P that's what I've been thinking ever since I started to work ^^;

  3. K, dude I've missed you! Sorry to hear you are so busy, I have a reading slump that's slowly sucking the life out of me. I can't concentrate on anything anymore. I hope school lets you have a breather soon. Miss your reviews! *hugs*


    PS Have you read Once Upon A Winter's Night?

  4. nath: It's my last year, but I think I might go back for half a year next year. Just because I have no idea what I want to do...

    mailyn: Yes, I have read Once Upon A Winter's Night. I have all four of the books in that quartet.

  5. It must be that time of year to be completely overloaded.

  6. It must be that time of year to be completely overloaded. Take care.

  7. Oh November is TOTALLY university time. I think all of my U of T profs strategically planned to assign things within days of each other !

  8. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Sounds like your priorities are in the right place. I'll bet you're looking forward to the holiday break.

  9. Cool! I'm still reading that one. My reading slump is baaaad. :-(

  10. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Things are fine on this end - although I've pretty much given up on my NaNoWriMo novel.

    Glad to hear you're doing well, if a bit inundated with school work!

  11. I don't know how anyone has time to do NaNoWriMo in November. It is my busiest time of year!

    Glad to hear that everyone is relatively good. I will be sooo glad when it is the holidays.


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