Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Blog Tour Day 3 and G.I.F.T.

Tune in to Jennie's blog to see what she has for today's contribution to the blog tour! I was just there, but for some reason it will not currently let me comment.

I have been rather slack in the book reviews lately, but I read a new Christmas book and decided to use it as one of the challenges for the G.I.F.T. Challenge. The book is THe Christmas Shoes by Donna VanLiere. My friend lent it to me, and I just took it. I have to admit I was not really paying attention to what the book was about. So, I was very excited to see it was a book based on the song that I already included as part of the G.I.F.T. Challenge. A very interesting idea, she took a song and made it a novel! (A very short one I might add, but still a worthwhile read.)

Book Description:
Robert is a successful attorney who has everything in life-and nothing at all.Focussed on professional achievement and material rewards, Robert is on the brink of losing his marriage.He has lost sight of his wife, Kate, their two daughters, and ultimately himself.Eight year old Nathan has a beloved mother, Maggie, whom he is losing to cancer.But Nathan and his family are building a simple yet full life, and struggling to hold onto every moment they have together.A chance meeting on Christmas Even brings Robert and Nathan together-he is shopping for a family he hardly knows and Nathan is shopping for a mother he is soon to lose.In this one encounter, their lives are forever altered as Robert learns an important lesson:sometimes the smallest things can make all the difference.The Christmas Shoes is a universal story of the deeper meaning of serendipity, a tale of our shared humanity, and of how a power greater than ourselves can shape, and even save, our lives.

I think that this book was a very charming Christmas story. It really captures the true meaning of Christmas. Knowing the song, I know what was going to happen, but it was nice to see a story with it.

I give this a 4/5. I think I will have to get my own copy.

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