Wednesday, January 31, 2007

January In Review

I apologize for the mass reviews today, but I was trying to start February with a clean slate. As a result, I sort of forgot to put the fantasy reviews on Twisted Kingdom. I just got on a roll and it was not until afterwards that I noticed what I did. I'll link them from there and hopefully remember to post in the right place next month!

I am trying to be more organized with my books, so I am doing this month in review posts. I just want to see what my reading styles are like from month to month.

The most interesting thing is that I read 16 books this month, and 15 of them were by female authors. That was unintentional, but a very interesting number.

I finished the From the Stacks Challenge. I learned that I am no good with making lists, so I just read books that met the criteria. The five books are listed below, and if you click on them you can see reviews:
1. The Many Lives and Secret Sorrows of Josephine B. by Sandra Gulland
2. The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop by Lewis Buzbee
3. One Good Knight by Mercedes Lackey
4. The Silver Rose by Susan Carroll
5. Tales of Passion, Tales of Woe by Sandra Gulland

I read my first "Chunkster" for the year, which, actually, was shorter than a couple of the books I read this month, but I am counting it as my chunkster anyways.
The Night Watch by Sarah Waters. (470 pages)

I completed the first book for the O'Canada Challenge. Originally I was going to read The Time in Between by David Bergen, but I found it boring, so I just counted Sandra Gulland's The Last Great Dance on Earth. She lives part-time in Canada, and that trilogy has been waiting a while to be read, so it works for me.

For the fantasy challenge, I counted New Moon by Stephanie Meyer.
For the Back to History challenge it was The Silver Rose by Susan Carroll.

Lastly, I read the first TBR Challenge book, The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank.

The only challenge I am crashing and burning at is the Classics Challenge. It is mostly related to reading Renaissance Plays for school and not wanting to read anything else of the "classic" genre afterwards. If February goes the same, I think I will save that challenge for later in the year.

Other than that, I read seven authors that were new to me this month (not counting book two and three of the Josephine B. Trilogy). Twelve of the books I read I bought prior to 2007. A lot of them came out in 2006, though, I would like to try and go even further back in the coming months. Get the piles cleaned out that much more.

The rest of the books I read this month were:
1. The Rest Falls Away by Colleen Gleason
2. Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier
3. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares
4. The Second Summer of the Sisterhood by Ann Brashares
5. Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood by Ann Brashares
6. Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood by Ann Brashares
7. Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen


  1. You must read with one book in each hand! Congrats on a successful January...Any thoughts on what was the "best" read for the month?

  2. I thought about that when I was making that post, actually. It is a really hard decision because I read a lot of good books this month. I would say that Josephine B. Trilogy was my favourite as a whole, but I also really liked the last book in Susan Carroll's trilogy.

  3. Good stuff! I'm stuck on four books. Then my new found love The Office has taken up all my free time. So I think I read 3 books in January. That is so sad.

  4. If you are stuck on them, why not put them aside and read something else? The only reason I am reading so much is because I am on here less.

  5. Wow, great job with the reading for January!

  6. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Wow! Congrats on finishing your Stacks Challenge and reading all those books in one month.

  7. Wow! You've been doing a LOT of reading this month. I managed to read 4 "chunks" of over 400 pages this month, as well as another 4 slightly shorter books & half a dozen audio books too. On the whole I enjoyed them although there were a couple of disappointments, but nothing too drastically bad.

  8. Congrats on all your reading! I'm glad I am not the only one who found David Bergen's The Time in Between slow going :)

  9. Holy smokes! You are on a reading roll, Kailana! Meanwhile I'm in a slump. Reading your post has started my blood pumping, tho. Can't believe you read 16 books on top of the plays, not to mention being a student. I off to read your thoughts about some of the books you read.

  10. Hi there, do you speed read?? I'm such a slow reader compared to you! Haha! By the way, congratulations for reading 16 books in a month! Wish I can do that too. =)


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