Sunday, February 04, 2007

Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs

Books Completed: 17
Completion Date: February 2, 2007
Publication Year: 2007
Pages: 304
Purchased in 2007
Book Two in the Mercedes Thompson series

Mechanic Mercy Thompson has friends in low places-and in dark ones. And now
she owes one of them a favor. Since she can shapeshift at will, she agrees to
act as some extra muscle when her vampire friend Stefan goes to deliver a
message to another of his kind.

But this new vampire is hardly ordinary-and neither is the demon inside of him.
To see my review of this, all you have to do is click here and it will take you over to Twisted Kingdom.

Authors Gender:
Female: 16
Male: 1

I have previously read Patrica Briggs before. To see the review for the first book in this series, click here. I also read another book from her Hurog Duology, the review can be read by clicking here. I hope to read the sequel to that one very soon.

1 comment:

  1. I am thinking that the next time I order something I am going to order the first book by this author!


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