Sunday, February 04, 2007

An Earthly Knight by Janet Elizabeth McNaughton

Books Completed: 18
Completion Date: February 3, 2007
Publication Year: 2005
Pages: 352
Purchased in 2007

Will Lady Jeanette sacrifice her freedom to save her family's honor?

Lady Jeanette Avenel is the free-spirited second daughter of a nobleman in twelfth-century Scotland. When her elder sister, Isabel, isdishonored, Jenny is asked to relinquish her freedom in an attempt to save thegood name of her father's house. But will the affection of a mysterious young man lead to Jenny's ruin as well?

Lady Jeanette battles tradition and magic amid a world alive with medieval pageantry. Hers is the timeless story of a young woman who seeks to control her own destiny to win a better life for herself and her sister.

To see the review of this book, click here and it will take you to Twisted Kingdom where I posted it.

Authors Gender:
Female: 17
Male: 1

This is the first time I have read this author.

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