Friday, August 10, 2007

The Wonders of the Art Found in Spectrum

I should be getting ready to go away this weekend, but I received part of my prize from the Once Upon a Time Challenge, and I have been sitting here staring at pictures instead of getting ready! So, I am supposed to leave soon and I have not even changed out of my pjs! You would think I would be doing so right now, but I had to share my delights before doing so. Part of my prize was the Spectrum 13 book edited by Cathy Fenner and Arnie Fenner. I saw it listed as part of my prize, but I had never heard of it before. This morning, I got the thrill of tearing off the plastic, which meant that the book still had that lovely new book smell! The cover is fantastic, it is called Prometheus and was apparently done for Asimov's SF. For those that might not know who Asimov is, he is an author. I have not got to him yet, but he is pretty high up in science fiction writing, and has a tonne of books. (I, Robot, the movie with Will Smith, was based on one of his books, actually.)

Anyways, the pictures in this book are amazing. Some I had seen before, and some I had not, so I cannot wait to have the time to really look at this book. I seriously need to go get ready, but this is one of my favourite pictures in the book on the left. It is called The Mists of Avalon and was drawn by Doug Beekman. I will have more 'eye-candy' next week when I have the time to actually read the whole thing.

Thanks very much to Carl for introducing me to something so great! The other stuff I got was great too, but I will wait until it is all here to share next week.


  1. Hey, I'm reading Mists right now. Great art!

  2. Love that picture. That's just how I would have imagined it!

  3. great illustration!

  4. Have a wonderful getaway! So glad you liked the Spectrum book. I am a huge fan and long to convert as many as I can to the wonder of these annual volumes.

  5. Chris: I look forward to hearing what you think about Mists! It's one of my favourite books. :)

    daphne: It is a great pic, huh? Have you ever watched the mini series?

    valentina: There are more great ones to come.

    carl v.: I had a great weekend, I wish I was still away! Thanks again for the book, I added the next book to my wish list and then found myself pricing previous volumes... Thanks again for it!

  6. I love the smell of a new book. That one does sound wonderful - I love the Mists of Avalon picture!

  7. I have seen the mini series and really enjoyed it. My daughter liked it as well.

  8. Nymeth: This one was very strong new-book smell because of the plastic. :)

    Daphne: That's good. The first time I saw it, I bought it, and the ending of the video tape (yes this was a while ago) was broken. I was so mad. All that time into it and I couldn't see how it ended. I own it on DVD now, but it was several years until I saw it end.

  9. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I adore the Mists of Avalon picture. The Arthurian Myths are a favourite of mine and there is some stunning artwork out there.

  10. Rhinoa: Yep, the Arthurian Myths have been around for so long, though, that they have the time to make great art.


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