Sunday, January 04, 2009

Fables Volume 1: Legends in Exile by Bill Willingham

Books Completed: 4
Date Completed: January 3, 2009
Pages: 128
Publication Date: December 1, 2002

Reason for Reading: Graphic Novel Challenge, New Author Challenge

Who Killed Red Rose?
In Fabletown, where fairy tale legends lives alongside regular New Yorkers, the question is all anyone can talk about. But only the Big Bad Wolf can actually solve the caes - and, along with Rose's sister Snow White, keep the Fabletown community from coming apart at the seams.

Fables: Legends in Exile
collects the first five issues of writer and creator Bill Willingham's acclaimed new Vertigo series (suoerbly illustrated by Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha, and Craig Hamilton), and includes a new Fables short story written and illustrated by Willingham.
I heard about this series ages ago, but I still think that I could not easily get it back when I first wanted to. With my gift cards from Christmas, though, I found that it was now available and bought the first two volumes. Yesterday, I sat down, opened up to the very first page, and I knew that I was going to love it. It is everything that I enjoy in a fairy tale retelling. I wish I had started reading this series years ago! I cannot wait to read the next book, and I have a strong desire to spend the rest of my gift card on more books in the series! Yep, I am late to the game, but I think I became a Fables fangirl in the space of one evening!

The series takes fairy tale and nursery rhyme characters and puts them together in a contemporary setting. Their world has been overrun by darkness, so those that have survived have had to move to our world and live alongside human beings. Those that cannot pass as humans, though, live as a group deep in the wilderness. All evil has been forgotten and forgiven, so all of them are starting off a new life with amnesty. In this story we see characters like Snow White, the 'big, bad wolf', Red Rose, Jack (from Beanstalk fame), Prince Charming, Beauty and her husband, and so many more characters! As I was reading and discovering new characters I would get all excited as I remembered where they came from originally.

It was great! This is an awesome idea for a series. I am so excited to read more from it. I can safely say that something from Fables will be on my Best of... list for 2009!

Other Reviews:
Heather (A High and Hidden Place) - I blame Heather. I know for a fact that, wow, 3 years ago it was her that made me want to read them! (I am sorry it took three years...)
Rhinoa (Rhinoa's Ramblings)
Chris (Stuff as Dreams are Made on)

Anyone else? Let me know and I will add you to the list!


  1. I'd like to get around to reading these eventually. There is a TV series supposedly coming out soon based on them.

  2. Yeah, I thought I heard something about a tv series. I like the books. I am glad I took the chance to read them! You should give them a try.

  3. Well, I'm glad you finally got around to it ;) it was about time! lol and I'm really glad you enjoyed them. Keep going, they just get better and better!

  4. It is about time, huh? lol I am so glad that I added them to the list... I was really shocked it took three years to read them, though!

  5. You love Fables too! yay :D

  6. Yep! Great series so far!

  7. Oh, I am soooo hoping to read this series this year but my library has none of them so I will have to ILL them all. Fortunately my library is really good at getting ILLs for me.

  8. Yeah, this year might be the year that I break down and rejoin the library. It's a terrible library, but it is better than nothing!

  9. So so glad to hear you've started Fables! I read these after seeing so many bloggers reviews - I'm up to #6 and I love them!
    Oh and the library may be kinda crap but they do have the entire Fables collection and tons of other graphic novels - totally worth it for that alone.

  10. Really? I have been thinking lately of rejoining the library. I will have to wait and see what happens!


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