Sunday, March 08, 2009

Cover of 'Hunting Ground' by Patricia Briggs

I noticed that the cover of Patricia Briggs' new book is up on amazon. I never like the covers for Briggs' books. Especially the rereleases of her older books. They have released some really bad covers! I would prefer to find the old ones second-hand. They just never represent the characters to me.

So, for those that have read the series so far, what do you think of the cover? For those that haven't read the series yet, would you pick this book up judging by the cover alone?

Hunting Ground is set to release July 28, 2009.


  1. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I love this cover actually! I liked the cover of the first Anna & Charles book too, except they portrayed Anna as this really kick-ass heroine, IIRC, which was slightly contrary to her portrayal in the book.

    I've her fantasy books in the original covers, I sort of like them - they're so traditional fantasy!

  2. I like the covers for the Mercy Thompson books and like, Li, I liked the cover for the first book in this series. I haven't read it yet, but it was the cover that caught my eye and the name that sold the book.


  3. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I love the Briggs covers. I picked up her re-release of When Demons Walk because of the cover.

  4. I haven't read the series yet, but the covers (or the ones I've seen) don't appeal to me much. If I hadn't heard so many good things about the series from trusted bloggers I probably wouldn't pick them up.

  5. The cover doesn't do much for me, but my son would like it. Anything with a wolf or wolfish creature grabs him.

  6. I actually like the covers on her books. It's just something about they way they portray Mercy. This one is kind of ok. Probably wouldn't have jumped out at me, if I wasn't already invested in the story!

  7. Li: That's mostly my problem with the covers. They are contrary to the people in the books. I guess I just like traditional fantasy covers. :)

    CJ: Yeah, the names always sell the books for me when it comes to Briggs.

    Jackie: I haven't picked up my copy of When Demons Walk yet.

    Nymeth: You really need to read this series!

    Bookfool: It's not for everyone.

    Stephanie: Yeah, I buy the books regardless of the covers. I am invested in the stories.

  8. As you know, I don't care for the Mercy Thompson ones but this is actually quite nice. The wolf is gorgeous.

  9. Cath: The covers for this series are a lot different than the covers of the other series.

  10. I'm not really crazy about her covers either but I don't really dislike them either. The UK covers on the other hand are just a little too bland for me.

  11. Tink: Yeah, the UK covers are pretty bland!

  12. I don't like the covers, as you know, but this one isn't tooo bad. I might have picked it up (to look at)for the wolf. And just so you know, as soon as I pick up book one in her other series, you're getting the point :-D

  13. Susan: That's fine! I think everyone should read Briggs, so I don't mind being blamed for it! :)

  14. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I miss her old covers. If it wasn't for the fact that I was reading her work before these new covers I would never even look twice at her books. The covers make me not want to buy her stuff. However, I love her work so I always buy them anyway, though I will not buy the rereleases I keep searching for the old copies. I’m glad that I’m not the only one that dislikes them; most people seem to enjoy them.

  15. I imagine the whole point of her new covers is to appeal to women... sort of limiting, though, because the more like a romance novel they look, the less likely men will be to read her books!


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