Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Library Loot - February 17, 2010

I thought I would share the list of the books I have out from the library... If my reading picks up, you might actually see reviews, too!

The Heart Specialist by Claire Rothman
The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley (re-loot)
The Mitfords: Letters Between Six Sisters (I actually think I am going to return this. I don't know the sisters very well and I am having an information overload. Think I need to start with maybe a biography...)
Last Night in Montreal by Emily St. John Mandel
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia

I have more to pick-up at the library. I was going too today, but the weather sucked, so I am going to get them tomorrow instead.


  1. It seems like most of us bloggers are going through a reading slump right now. (Is it the weather?) Beautiful Creatures is on my TBR list. Happy reading (or not)! ;)

  2. I really want to read Last Night in Montreal

  3. I'm with Vasilly. I don't know what is going on. I think I have only finished a couple of books this month.

  4. I have a couple re-loots as well. My post is here.

  5. Beautiful Creatures sounds interesting, will add that to my keep an eye out for list.

    My reading is picking up now but I did have a bit of a slump in December and early Jan. It passes, thank goodness!

  6. I'm curious what you'll think of Beautiful Creatures. I'm interested in it, but haven't added it to my library list just yet.

  7. I've got to get by the library myself this weekend. Though I already have a ton of books here from the library I have more that I put on hold that need to be picked up! I'm kind of it "to read" overload, but I guess that is a good kind of problem to have.

  8. I left you a little something over at my can find it here.

  9. Completely off topic here:

    Yeah Canada 14 gold, a world record. I'm glad everyone had fun but please go home now so Vancouver can get back to normal. LOL! Thanks!

    Kelly, this is a virtual high five!

  10. You've got BEAUTIFUL CREATURES in your loot! Happy reading!


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