Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week in Review (2)

Random Thoughts

I am very happy that so far my reading is going really well! I am hoping it will continue. I think part of my problem last year was book choices. I just couldn't seem to find books I loved. There were only really a couple that will carry with me, despite how many I have on my Best of... post. In 2009 there were a lot of books that I loved, so 2010 was just a letdown and then it got to be almost a chore to read. The good thing is that with a new year started, it is not hard to top my reads from last year. What normally leads to your reading slumps?

Challenge News

I haven't done much for my challenges yet. I have books here to read, but I haven't got around to them yet. I did read some Patricia Briggs' books (Masques and Wolfsbane) for a buddy read with Vanessa from Reading in Bed. This will be my first of 2011. I really enjoyed buddy reads in 2009, but moved away from them last year. I am hoping to do more in 2011. I all ready have a few scheduled. If anyone is interested, just let me know and I am sure we can work something out. Some all ready in the works are two with Amanda from The Zen Leaf: Jane Eyre and North and South. I am going to be reading Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier (finally) with Melissa from Book Nut. I am doing a 3-people read in February of How the Irish Saved Civilization with Megan at Po(sey) Sessions and Carrie at Books and Movies. Then there are a few others that we are just trying to figure out the book.

Weekly Reads
11. The Fallen Kings Cycle Book 1: The Sworn by Gail Z. Martin (Review scheduled for Tuesday)
12. Muppet Robin Hood by Tim Beedle & Company
13. Masques by Patricia Briggs (Up-coming Buddy Review)
14. Wolfsbane by Patricia Briggs (Up-coming Buddy Review)

Favourite Read: Tough call. I always love Briggs, but these were early books and not quite as good as her newer ones. I'd have to say The Fallen Kings Cycle Book 1: The Sworn by Gail Z. Martin.

Weekly Posts
Review: The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells (Sci-Fi Experience)
Review: Fables - Vol 14: Witches by Bill Willingham & Company
Review: Uncle Montague's Tales of Terror by Chris Priestley
Review: Muppet Robin Hood (and a movie) by Tim Beedle & Company

New Additions
Star Trek Typhon Pact: Zero Sum Game by David Mack
Star Trek Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire by Michael Z. Martin
Star Trek Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire by David R. George III
The Hundred Thousands Kingdom by N.K. Jemisin (ebook)

Fiddler Fair by Mercedes Lackey
This Scepter'd Isle by Mercedes Lackey
1632 by Eric Flint
Fire in the Mist by Holly Lisle
Medicus by Ruth Downie

Nothing this week

If on a Winter's Night a Traveller by Italo Calvino
Plain Kate by Erin Bow
Muppet Robin Hood (read)
Dune by Frank Herbert (ebook)


  1. Sounds like you had a great week! I'll be curious to see what you think of the Calvino - my best friend in real life read it and said it was the most bizarre book she'd ever read!

  2. My reading is going really so far this year as well! Yay us and buddy reads!

  3. Looks like you had a great week! Good to see 2011 continues to be a great one reading wise for you!

  4. Aw, I miss these posts Kelly :) I used to LOVE when you did these!!! This year is really reminding me of your 2009!! Hope it stays as good!

  5. Carrie: I don't know if I will get around to the Calvino.

    Amy: Glad to hear it! Look forward to our buddy read!

    Darren: Thanks!

    Chris: I like these posts, too! I hope 2011 is a great reading year!

  6. Wow, great way to start the year!


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