Monday, February 28, 2011

The Arrow Chest by Robert Parry - An Apology

Hi everyone!

Today was supposed to be my review of The Arrow Chest by Robert Parry. I did not forget, but because of my weird reading mood of the last couple weeks I did not want to write a review of a book for a blog tour until I returned to a more 'normal' state of mind. I like to be fair and it isn't fair to review a book simply because I was expected to read in when I am sort of floundering in my reading. Here is what the book is about:
London, 1876. The painter Amos Roselli is in love with his life-long friend and model, the beautiful Daphne - and she with him - until one day she is discovered by another man, a powerful and wealthy industrialist. What will happen when Daphne realises she has sacrificed her happiness to a loveless marriage? What will happen when the artist realises he has lost his most cherished source of inspiration? And how will they negotiate the ever-increasing frequency of strange and bizarre events that seem to be driving them inexorably towards self-destruction. Here, amid the extravagant Neo-Gothic culture of Victorian England, the iconic poem 'The Lady of Shalott' blends with mysterious and ghostly glimpses of Tudor history.

Romantic, atmospheric and deeply dark.
Sounds good, huh?

I shall return with an actual review of the book, but in the meantime you can watch the book trailer here and visit his website to learn more about him and his book.

To find out more about Premier Virtual Author Book Tours, visit the dedicated site.

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