Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week in Review (16)

Random Thoughts

I am starting to think that April was not meant to be a good reading month. I did manage to read a couple things, but nothing major. I am hoping that May will be better. I just find myself busier than I plan to be, so then I don't get a chance to read. There are just so many books that I want to read, so it is a bit sad that I can't get to them. I am so excited when they actually arrive, but then I am too busy to actually read them. And, I am still reading books from March. I keep saying I am going to finish them, but then never get to them. Such is life... I am also really late writing this post up.

Challenge News

I didn't really read anything for challenges, but that's okay. I am starting to think that I might just drop out of them. We will see what happens in May. I did read the next Chobits, so it works for the Manga Challenge.

Weekly Reads

86. The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen (Completed April 21, 2011)
87. Far and Away: A Prize Every Time by Neil Peart (Completed April 23, 2011)
88. Ursula by Fabio Moon & Gabriel Ba (Completed April 23, 2011)
89. Chobits Volume 7 by Clamp (Completed April 23, 2011)
90. Serenity Volume 2: Better Days by Joss Whedon, Brett Matthews, & Will Conrad (Completed April 23, 2011)
91. Serenity Volume 3: The Shepherd's Tale by Joss Whedon, Zack Whedon, & Chris Samnee (Completed April 23, 2011)

Weekly Posts

New Additions

The Very Best of Charles de Lint (Had it from the library, but read it slow, so easier to just buy.)
Far and Away: A Prize Every Time by Neil Peart

Nothing this week...

Nothing this week...

Nothing this week...


  1. I hope next month is a better reading month for you!

  2. I totally understand about being so excited when the books arrive and then it feels like you never get a chance to get to them. I've finally decided that I think I'm going to ditch challenges next year, only review for 2 sources and get to reading my books that have been on my shelves forever. May is actually going to be the first month this year that I'm not overwhelmed by review books!

  3. *Vasilly: Thanks!

    *Staci: I hardly take review copies anymore, but I do tend to read too many library books...

  4. I feel the same way about April. I had such great hopes for a good reading month but it's not looking good. I am thinking this whole year better shape up!

    Here's hoping May is a better month!

  5. *Iliana: We are going to have to plan our buddy read soon. I will have to email you. :)


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