Sunday, May 08, 2011

Week in Review (18)

Random Thoughts

I am very enthusiastic about so many books! It's a bit overwhelming and I want to read many, many things. You add to it that I have a pretty new bookcase full of books and I am in book heaven lately. The bookcase is something I have wanted for a while, though. It will be a while before the excitement over that abates... The best thing is that when I finish books, I can replace them with other books. I might actually make a dent in my TBR pile that has sort of stalled since 2009.

Challenge News

Let's face it, I am a bit addicted to fantasy at the moment, so most of it will apply to the Once Upon a Time Challenge. I did read a book that applies for the Manga Challenge, too.

Weekly Reads

95. Muse and Reverie by Charles de Lint (Completed May 2, 2011)
96. Nightschool: The Weirn Books Volume 2 by Svetlana Chmakova (Completed May 2, 2011)
97. Widdershins by Charles de Lint (Completed May 5, 2011)
98. Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett (Completed May 7, 2011)
99. Among Others by Jo Walton (Completed May 7, 2011)

Weekly Posts

Once Upon a Time V - Movies Watched

New Additions

Nothing this week...

Nothing this week...

Nothing this week...

Nothing this week...


  1. Look at you, all being good and stuff! No new books in the week? ;)

    Looking forward to seeing what you thought of Among Others, I've heard such good things about it (especially from Carl!)

  2. Yay for possibly making a dent in the TBR pile! I know how that goes.

  3. so you are saying I need yet another bookcase to begin getting my tbr pile down?? cha! nice try kelly lol.. glad you like among others I enjoyed it too! (and she even mentions Pern!!!!)

  4. *Darren: I have my moments. :)

    *Anastasia: It's exciting. :)

    *Pat: My books were in the closet before. Now, I can actually see them... Before, I couldn't, so I wasn't reading them.


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