Sunday, December 04, 2011

Week in Review (44)

Random Thoughts

Well, another week with not much reading going on, but it has been interesting otherwise. We got a kitten on Saturday. She is currently pigging out. She remains nameless at the moment because of an inability to make up our minds. Hopefully by next week I will have a name. I should have pictures, too. We have a couple, but just on phones. She is very hard to get to sit still long enough. She is very affectionate, though.

I am a little late posting this today so I am watching Once Upon a Time at the same time. Did you see the essay Bill Willingham wrote about the show and Fables? Ana (Nymeth) showed it to me this morning and it is a very interesting read. You can see it by clicking here.

**Edited to add: It helps if you click publish...

Virtual Advent

Have you been following along with the tour so far? We are up to day four and there has been a lot of great stuff so far. I hope you will take a moment to join in and read the posts. It is also not too late to sign-up!

Challenge News

I would have to read first....

Weekly Reads

Week 2 of nothing... Strange!

Weekly Posts

What Are You Listening to Wednesday - Week 3
Tuning in on Thursday - Week 5

New Additions

Nothing this week...

Seriously--- I'm Kidding by Ellen DeGeneres
A World Elsewhere by Wayne Johnston

Nothing this week...

Nothing this week...

1 comment:

  1. Kitty!!! lovely. I'm just reading thru all the posts I've missed.


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