Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Reads - 8th Edition

I am battling a cold, so my reading has been weird this week. As a result other than the books I have finished all ready, I have only been paying attention to three others.

My fourth Star Trek book in a row. I have owned this series for years and am only finally getting around to it. I might take a break after this one and read a few standalone books. We will see what happens.

This book is sort of suffering at the moment. I want to give it my full attention and I have been too distracted. I really need to sit down with it because Heather, who I am reading it with, is way ahead of me! Stupid cold!

The only reason this book is taking me a while is because I have been neglecting my e-reader. I am really liking it and was so happy that Kobo had it for 99 cents so I took a chance on it. It's really good steampunk so far.

I have other books started, but I neglected them all this week. Where I am feeling sort of crappy, though, I might have a reading weekend in store for me!

What has everyone else been reading?

Did everyone see this video of Taylor Swift and The Civil Wars singing together? It is off the Hunger Games soundtrack. I love The Civil Wars!


  1. AWESOME! Hope you feel better soon.

  2. LOVE the Taylor Swift and Civil Wars song. I've been listening to it all week long. :)

    1. I found it entirely by accident!

  3. I hope you soon feel better.

    I plan to read the first Patrick Rothfuss for Carl's OUaT. I think I have a treat in store.

    1. Oh, you do! It was fantastic! This one is really good so far.

  4. Wow…I really like that song…might be the first taylor swift song I've ever liked :p And I REALLY need to read the Rothfuss books! They're just so…big! I'm reading The Snow Child and The Wolf Gift and I'd HIGHLY recommend both of them!! I think you would absolutely love them both!

    1. Yeah, I am not a big Taylor Swift fan, but I love The Civil Wars. The Rothfuss books are so worth it, though! But, yes, huge... I started The Snow Child last night and I look forward to your review on The Wolf Gift. :)

  5. I am sorry you do not feel well! Although, I am glad it has given me the opportunity to get a bit ahead. You read too darn fast for me! Do hurry up and feel better though!

  6. Also, that is the absolute best I have ever hearf Taylor Swift. Obviouslt I need to look up The Civil Wars!

    1. I know! I don't normally like Taylor Swift, but I have been listening to this song. I don't find it showcases the amazing voices of The Civil Wars, though.

  7. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well! Two of my boys have the flu, and one has a cold - so our house is Sickie Central right now. :)

    A lot of people have recommended Rothfuss to me, but I haven't read him yet. I finished a Sophie Kinsella audiobook yesterday (i've Got Your Number) that was hysterical! In print, I'm reading The Lantern and Legend - among others.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    1. I guess it is that time of the year...

      The Rothfuss books are really quite good!

  8. I've never heard of either Taylor Swift or the Civil Wars, but I like the song and will be looking both of them up now! Thanks!

    1. I hope you find lots to enjoy!

  9. I hope you are feeling better soon. I have yet to read Patrick's first book. I feel terrible I have not read The Name of the Wind. I did start it, but just way to much going on right now with some reading events..:)

    I am currently reading Storm Front by Jim Butcher. by the way this song is great.

    1. Thanks! Rothfuss is an awesome author, but it is a huge under-taking...

      Glad you enjoyed the song!

  10. Colds suck. :( Feel better soon.

    I thought about getting that steampunk novel during the sale, but decided to hold off since my local library has a copy. I'm sure I'll pick it up soon; it does look really good.

    1. Thanks!

      My library doesn't really do steampunk and you can't beat 99 cents...

  11. Colds do suck! I am getting over from being sick all week...cold, fever...yuck.

    I am not certain how I feel about The Hunger Game movie. I think I am an odd-ball out cause I am thinking that I will not see it...especially not in the theatre unless of course one of my daughters begs to go...shall see.

    I need to get to Wise Man's Fear. Lately, I have been in the mood for short quick books.

    1. I have entered the coughing stage... Fun times!

      I am not sure if I will see the movie. Likely not in theatres if I do.

      Wise Man's Fear is a HUGE under-taking. That's for sure!

  12. I hope you're feeling better! Thanks for the video, this is the first time I've heard that song. I really enjoyed it. Can't wait to see this movie!!!

    1. I am a bit hesitant about the movie, but I will probably see it.

  13. I loved both of Rothfuss' books and loved them. Waiting, waiting, waiting, for the next one.

    1. I am enjoying the second one so far. I kept putting off reading it...


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