Monday, March 12, 2012

Random Interlude

I had to get a new camera and, by the time I got home with it, Casey was the only model. Actually, I was playing with her and the guy actually used my camera... She was really lonely or something tonight.


  1. She is just sooooo freakin' adorable!

    How do you like your new camera?

  2. Thanks!

    I haven't really got to use it yet. Maybe today!

  3. She looks EXACTLY like the cat I had growing up. His name was Blue and we had him for 14 years. Aww, I miss him.

  4. Aww, so sweet! One of my two cats has decided he doesn't like having his photo taken any more and slinks off at the mear mention of a camera!

  5. Such a pretty pretty cat!

  6. She is an very lovely cat.

  7. Her face looks so much like my cat's, now that he's finally losing weight and doesn't look like a blob anymore, haha! :D

  8. She really is a very pretty cat. (what Suey said.)

  9. awwww she woves her mommy!

  10. Aw, Casey looks so sweet and lovable!


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