Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What are You Listening to Wednesday - Week 18

I have been listening to Podcasts... They actually work really well for me because if you get distracted for a second you didn't miss a major plot device, for example. When I listen to something I am normally doing something else, so I don't always have the best attention span. I thought I would share some of what I have listened to so far. I asked for recommendations and the list is huge, so we will see how it goes.

I had actually started listening to this when I posted looking for more recommendations. I like this podcast, but I find that I have to pay attention. There are accents and sometimes the sound is not the best, so I have a hard time hearing what they are saying. I have listened to the first four: 'The shot that lead to war', 'Outbreak: 4 August 1914', 'Joining Up', and 'Wrong place, wrong time'. The segments have been very interesting so far. It also brings back memories of when my paternal grandfather was alive and would talk about World War II. It was a very rare thing, but when it happened it was fascinating. To have something like this from WWI is a real treasure. The website also has lots of other interesting things to explore. I am looking forward to it!

I listened to the one episode of this just to see what it was all about. I always enjoy listening to people talk about books, so I went with this one first. Andi said it was her favourite and it was on other lists. It was obviously a very interesting contrast from collection of audio recordings from WWI survivors. As a result I didn't get blown away by it, but I am well aware that is an unfair assessment. I plan to listen to them again to get the full idea of what they are all about. I did get book recommendations, though... This is basically just me saying I listened to them. (Episode 36)

Then, I decided to give this one a try because I have actually heard of it lots of times before and just never listened to it myself. I enjoyed it. It is about half an hour segments which worked perfectly with the chores I was doing Monday and Tuesday night. When they were finishing up, I was basically finished cleaning the kitchen or whatever. I did backtrack a bit, but I am not sure how much I actually will. I want to explore some of the other Podcasts on my list and then maybe once I have some favourites I will backtrack more. Once again, I wrote down books that I now want to read... (Especially Crossing the Borders of Time which was on their most recent Podcast. I almost bought it tonight... I still am very tempted...) (Episodes 177, 176, 175, 174, and 173 - I did a lot of chores...)

I thought I was done with Podcast exploring for a few days; but the guy decided to take some vacation time and come home early from work, so I decided to stay up and spend a few minutes with him. This meant having something to keep me awake, so I decided to see what Science-fiction/Fantasy Podcast options there were. I went with this one because I am familiar with all of the authors that participate and I knew if I went to read I would fall asleep. It was a bit longer than I expected, so I did lots while it was playing. It was really fun, though. The sound kind of got wonky from time to time, which is unfortunate, but once again I added books to my wish list... And, they had a very interesting discussion session at the end that is worth listening to because it applies to all genres really. (Episode 11)

So, it was an interesting start. I have lots more to explore in the future and I look forward to it. Thanks to everyone that offered suggestions. I am not sure if I will post about them like this all the time. I am basically just doing so this week because it was my introduction to Podcasts and I thought where people suggested some, I would share how things were going so far.


  1. Kelly, I still want to know where you got your magical power of being able to fit so much into a week!!! Seriously, how the hell do you do it?!!! Anyway, sounds like a nice eclectic mix you listened to this week. Hope you enjoy your listens for the coming week as well!

  2. I am glad that you have enjoyed the ones that you have listened too. SF Squeecast is one that I subscribe too, but I don't actually get to listen to very often, Maybe I should start from the bottom of my list occasionally.

  3. These sounds really interesting, especially the SF Squeecast. I don't think I've ever listened to a podcast before. I might have to give them a shot. :)

  4. Anonymous4:12 PM

    excellent post. I have been considering working podcasts into my schedule, so thanks for the list of ideas!

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)

  5. OOOO I'll have to check out some of these! The only one I've listened to with any regularity is Books on the Nightstand. I spend so much time listening to audiobooks that I know I'll have to make an effort to try podcasts. I love the idea of them, just have to make that effort....

  6. The WWII podcasts sound particularly intriguing. I can honestly say I don't want to listen to anything about books or authors. I feel like I'm almost to the point of overdose. Still want to read, but just don't want to read as much about reading, if that makes sense. I'm sure I'll get past this horrid stage of my life. LOL

  7. I'll admit I've stayed away from podcasts. I just can't get into them for some reason. I am also hesitant about listening to anything that is going to add even more books to my wish list! LOL!


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