Friday, June 22, 2012

Postcard Project - An Update

I thought that since I have been slack posting about my Postcard Project on my blog lately I would post all the ones that I have received since starting it. As it stands right now I have 10/10 provinces in Canada, 0/3 territories in Canada, and 43/50 states for the United States. I still need Alabama, Alaska (in the mail, though), Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. I have no idea how to break the rest of the world down into manageable goals. Any ideas? I am delighted to get postcards from anywhere possible. Plus, I have sent a lot out. It is fun sending and receiving mail.

I apologize about the lousy picture quality. I haven't been able to get my scanner to work, so they are just pictures I took with my phone.

Postcard from Massachusetts from Care.

Postcard from Maryland from Meg.

Postcard from Rhode Island from Charlotte.

Postcard from Nebraska from Danielle.

Postcard from Rhode Island from Care.

Postcard from Kansas from Melissa.

Postcard from Kansas from Care's Mom.

Postcard from Care.

Postcard from Washington from Robin.

Postcard from Tasha.

Postcard from Iowa from Jeanne.

Postcard from Iowa from Jeanne.

Postcard from Minneapolis from Sam.

Postcard from D.C. from Daphne.

Postcard from New York from Debi.

Postcard from New York from Memory.

Postcard from South Carolina from Jill.

Postcard from Missouri from Jeanne.

Postcard from Mississippi from Nancy.

Random Postcard from my Mother.

Random Postcard from my Mother.

Random Postcard from my Mother.

Random Postcard from my Mother.

Random Postcard from my Mother.

Random Postcard from my Mother.

Random Postcard from my Mother.

Random Postcard from my Mother.

Random Postcard from my Mother.

Postcard from Nebraska from Danielle.

Postcard from Toronto from Amy.

Postcard from Massachusetts from Care.

Postcard from Melissa.

Postcard from Care.

Postcard from North Carolina from Wayne.

Postcard from New York from Debi.

Postcard from Nevada from Jenners.

Postcard from Florida from Heather and Ellie.

Postcard from New Zealand from Kerry.

Postcard from New Zealand from Kerry.


  1. These are too much fun, you've gotten so many!

  2. Kelly, I already have a few but I wanted to assemble different regions of the country...

  3. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I say go big and start collecting all the countries of the world! :-D

  4. How fun! You're getting quite the collection. I'm going to visit family in the NWT next week, I could send you a postcard from there if I had your address.

  5. I'll look and see if I still have one from Colorado. I went there a few years back and usually pick up one or two extra postcards.

  6. Anonymous1:06 AM

    I live in Colorado and will send you one. send me your address: omphaloskepsis[at]


  7. Aw, looks like you've already gotten the states I could have sent to you. If I find myself in Alabama (not likely) I will send a postcard your way!


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