Thursday, August 09, 2012

Where in the World are you Reading? - Library

Just a reminder that the theme for August is Library. You can see an example of a Library post by visiting Trish's blog here. You can find Mr. Linky on this post.

(I am sorry I am very much a stranger lately. I haven't even been reading! Like not even a page... Some of the guys family is visiting and we haven't been home very much. We are also still dog-sitting and I finally got the cat fixed. Go me! Things should start to get back to normal this weekend.)

1 comment:

  1. I've been a stranger lately too - sooo busy. And with a backlog of books that is making me ashamed. Glad I'm not the only one! I'm trying to catch up a bit before the school year starts, but things aren't looking too good...


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