Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Poetry Project - November Wrap-up

November was all about War Remembrance. I went back and visited WWI a few times. It is great to read posts by people actually from that time writing about the experiences they have lived through. You can see me talk about a few of those poems here and here.

Kristin at Matched: Reviews and Recommendations had a hard time finding a post at first, but she went with 'The Cherry Trees' by Edward Thomas.

Over at Orisi's Blah Blah Blah we are introduced to the poem 'The Speech About Peace'.

We then head over to visit Nancy at simple clockwork. She posts about the poem 'Short Time' by Jaime An Lim.

Jeanne from Necromancy Never Pays returns with 'Cemetery Nights' as her selection for the month.

We then have Amy from New Century Reading. She read 'The End and the Beginning'.

Lastly, we pay a visit to Come, Sit by the Hearth where she shared 'For the Fallen' as her poem.

Thanks to everyone that joined in!!

Next month Leslie will have Mr. Linky. The topic is Holiday Poems/Mid-Year Reflection. If you choose to talk about Holiday Poems you should sign-up for Virtual Advent!

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