Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Anticipating 2013!

These are just some of the books I am looking forward to in 2013. Some of the others don't have covers yet and there will probably be others that are announced later. What 2013 books are you looking forward to?


  1. I'm looking forward to many of those too!

  2. ooo new Gaiman! I hope I will read it :)

  3. Some good books there. The Gaiman has me intrigued. Also a new Patricia Briggs! I'm looking forward to the new Flavia de Luce and the new Ruth Galloway.

  4. Awesome post - I love new books!!!

  5. Every time one of you all do one of these kind of posts, I'm just amazed--I *never* know what books are coming out (well, except when you all tell me, that is :P ).

  6. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I'm looking forward to many of the same. and I love how many of them have such cool covers.

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)

  7. I pre-ordered Level 2..can not wait! And I'm ordering Kearsley book from Book Depository because May for the US release is too long!! Great picks!

  8. Yep, lots of good ones coming. I don't typically pre-order, but I've already pre-ordered Level 2 and Scarlet. I'm particularly excited about Level 2 because Lenore is one of *ours*.

  9. I just finished The Aviator's Wife last night - so, so good! And a new Gaiman?! Can't wait!

  10. A new Gaiman! I'll definitely be adding that to my list. And of course, Lenore's Level 2!

  11. A few of these I'm looking forward to as well. Good selection!

  12. I'm looking forward to a bunch of these as well but especially Level 2 since it is written by a fellow blogger. I think that 2013 is going to be an amazing year of reading :)

  13. I've seen that Gaiman one around everywhere!! All of the books I'm anticipating are much older--I rely on YOU GUYS to tell me what's new!

  14. I am hoping to finish all the Robyn Carr books you started me on a few months ago...only 3 left to read.


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