Tuesday, November 26, 2013

If I Had a Million Dollars... AKA... Books for Christmas

I always make a list of books I want for Christmas and then hope I get enough gift cards to get most of them... Some of them... Any of them... Whatever happens. In the land of space restraints I should not want any books at all, but series continue and I like to finish series I am reading. (This also means pre-ordering books due out next year... I will post about that separately.)

Here are the books on my wish list this year:

~~Road End by Mary Lawson~~ I really enjoyed her previous two novels and was excited to see she has a new book out. She is a Canadian author.

~~Royal Mistress by Anne Easter Smith~~ A great historical fiction author that I have on auto-buy. This book has a different cover but sounds similar to her other novels. It either is not part of the series or she is yet another author that changed their covers midway through. (Pet peeve.)

~~Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie~~ I heard some gushing about this on Twitter the other day and decided to add it to my list since the library does not have it. I am also considering going the audio route with this.

~~S by Doug Dorst~~ This book looks so awesome. It is a real interactive experience outside of the conventional way that stories are told. I had planned to own it all ready, but decided to just wait until Christmas.

~~The Gods of Gotham by Lyndsay Faye~~ Since I made my list I have actually got the audio of this one. I think one medium is fine. I have heard really good things about this series, though!

~~The Girls of Atomic City by Denise Kiernan~~ I love reading about women and their connection to the war. This sounds right up my alley.

~~An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth by Chris Hadfield~~ It's been ages since I read an 'Astronaut' book. His time in the space station was all over Twitter and Facebook. I now want to read about his experiences.

~~The Sleeping Beauty by Mercedes Lackey~~ I love this series by Lackey and want to catch-up on the few that I am missing so that I can catch-up on her other fairy tale series. She needs to write slower... (ha!)

~~Beauty and the Werewolf by Mercedes Lackey~~ Same series.

~~Still Life with Shape-Shifter by Sharon Shinn~~ I think this is actually a series and the other book in the series is not on this list... Will have to fix that after. Anyway, I love Sharon Shinn and fell a bit behind on buying her books.

~~Royal Airs by Sharon Shinn~~ Her newest book.

~~The Tyrant's Law by Daniel Abraham~~ I kind of am obsessed with Abraham and the pen name he co-writes under, James S.A. Corey. I need to get back to reading him.

~~Gateway by Sharon Shinn~~ Another book by her I am missing.

~~Quatrain by Sharon Shinn~~ And another.

~~A Question of Honour by Charles Todd~~ I read this series in 2012 and missed this release. Want to remedy that.

~~The Maleficent Seven by Derek Landy~~ I was slack this year and did not pre-order Landy's book! And there were two of them out this year and everything!

~~Last Stand of Dead Men by Derek Landy~~ This is actually a book in the series. The other book is set in the same world.


  1. I loved the Twelve Houses series by Shinn and am up for some of the ones you mention, including the latest. I've only read A Shadow in Summer by Abraham, but I remember liking it! Want to try the Mercedes Lackey fairy tales!

  2. Can you believe I've had Gods of Gotham on my shelf for a year, and haven't read it yet? And A Question of Honor was really good. I hope you get lots of books and gift cards for Christmas!

  3. Great list! I just saw the Chris Hadfield book on BookTube yesterday, as a matter of fact. I also have The Girls of Atomic City on my wishlist. :)

  4. Christmas is a lot of hard work but one thing I *love* doing is making my list of books I would like for presents. Which reminds me... I must get to it. Your list looks excellent.

  5. Fun list! I have S and am reading it at the moment -- you have to be able to give it a lot of attention at a time, because there are so many things you have to keep an eye on at a time, but it's so fun I don't mind. :)


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